Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Which Boards to take on Surf trip?

Created by Lobes > 9 months ago, 7 Feb 2011
885 posts
7 Feb 2011 9:30AM
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Hi all,

I am going away in a couple of weeks on a 5 day surf trip to Kavieng. Not sure what the waves will be like yet but generally they get chest high or roundabout and will all be reef breaks.

I have a selection of (my own and others) boards I can take and was wondering what the best quiver for a 90kg beginner/intermediate surfer would be. I am going to look at taking 2 to 3 boards out of the following list

Starboard 9'8 Element
Starboard 9'8 Swallowtail
Starboard 10'5 Drive
Starboard 10' Whopper
NSP 11'

Any recommendations? I have only previously surfed the 11' NSP, the 9'8 element and the 10'5 Drive so not really sure what to expect from the others

4627 posts
7 Feb 2011 10:03AM
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If it was me I'd just take the element

NSW, 133 posts
7 Feb 2011 1:23PM
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Can you get any of them onto the aircraft ??

885 posts
7 Feb 2011 11:24AM
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I think I will definitely take the 9'8 element but can't really decide whether to take the 10' Whopper or the 10'5 Drive as my 2nd board. I'm leaning towards the 10'5 as it would be better for any fatter waves with its extra length and presumably speed but wasn't sure how it compares to the whopper for any super choppy conditions we may get.

As for fitting them on the aircraft I have taken the same flight before with the 9'8 and a 12' Glide as luggage so I hope so.

10 posts
17 Feb 2011 2:37PM
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Just got back from kavieng 3 days ago. If i were you i would take the board your most comfortable with surfing. I took a Coreban Icon which is 10FT with 2 paddles and a 8ft dick van strallen surfboard while it was a pain to drag through airports it was really worthwhile. Over our 8 day trip with four guys (all surfers) i probably got the best three waves of the trip, all on the stand up. I had no hassels with excess baggage or board damage. While the surf wasn't epic our wave count was very high, i would hate to be there catching heaps of waves wishing i was on my favourite board.


Just a foot note i flew Air Niugini from Brisbane

QLD, 2816 posts
17 Feb 2011 5:38PM
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I'd be taking a 5'10 fish and a h/p 9'0 mal

WA, 15849 posts
17 Feb 2011 3:44PM
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billboard said...

I'd be taking a 5'10 fish and a h/p 9'0 mal

I would take a 6,3 channel bottom and a 6,4 quad


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Which Boards to take on Surf trip?" started by Lobes