Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Will I Ever SUP Surf Again?

Created by supthecreek > 9 months ago, 8 Mar 2023
2666 posts
8 Mar 2023 10:01PM
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I have been pretty silent for months, because I simply have no time...
But it is 100% worth it and I absolutely loving my obsession at the moment!

Hang in for the last half, and enjoy my pain

828 posts
9 Mar 2023 4:37AM
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Wow that floor!!!
The right attitude of removing all the layers and rebuilding correctly.
Its will be a massive rebuild and long term you are going to have a great winter home.

Plenty of sea life with birds, sharks breaching and dolphins

NSW, 48 posts
9 Mar 2023 2:53PM
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Very funny! Looking for a bright side, maybe it's good cross training, and you will come back flexible and stronger than ever.

5094 posts
9 Mar 2023 3:26PM
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Creek base camp in progress . which one is the board room ?

2666 posts
9 Mar 2023 10:10PM
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Tardy said..
Creek base camp in progress . which one is the board room ?

ha ha... going to actually keep the 2nd bedroom for guests!
It is tempting to make it a board room and office, but I'd rather have a place for friends and family to visit.

Maybe I'll set up a low budget, one person SUP camp!
There may not be great waves in Florida, but learning to SUP surf better is not about waves...... it's ALL about framing your mind to expect better, and how to achieve that... and of course, understanding the ocean and lineups.

Probably have to build a shed for some boards, although most will stay on Cape Cod.... I'll just bring down the active quiver.
Right now all but 2 of my Florida boards are in a storage unit with the other stuff that I can't move in until I have a floor.

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Ishie said..
Very funny! Looking for a bright side, maybe it's good cross training, and you will come back flexible and stronger than ever.

Thank's for seeing the humor

I keep hoping all the climbing over joists will get me more limber, but so far it just hurts... maybe when I finally stop it will feel good.
At any rate, I love having a mission that I MUST complete... it jabs the lazy me into action.

Having a home again was something that I never though possible at todays prices.... this is a HUGE score for me, and I am more than thrilled to do all this work, because it is what makes this possible

2666 posts
9 Mar 2023 10:12PM
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515 said..
Wow that floor!!!
The right attitude of removing all the layers and rebuilding correctly.
Its will be a massive rebuild and long term you are going to have a great winter home.

Plenty of sea life with birds, sharks breaching and dolphins

Yes... as Yoda said "there is no try... there is do, or do not"

674 posts
19 Mar 2023 8:00PM
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Good on you Rick. You are defying ageing through sheer will. Good luck with the tropical crib/solo surf camp.

QLD, 616 posts
20 Mar 2023 5:47PM
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Keep up the good work RIck. Post some pics of the reno as I'm recovering from my shoulder surgery so it helps the time pass

NSW, 67 posts
21 Mar 2023 9:30AM
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Plus one for Yoda.

2666 posts
21 Mar 2023 12:42PM
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surfinJ said..
Good on you Rick. You are defying ageing through sheer will. Good luck with the tropical crib/solo surf camp.

Thanks J... I hope the Spring is warming up for you and the waves are getting hot!!!

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saltwaterwine said..
Plus one for Yoda.

Yoda knows

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wazza66 said..
Keep up the good work RIck. Post some pics of the reno as I'm recovering from my shoulder surgery so it helps the time pass

Thanks Waz!
yikes, shoulder surgery??
Heal well and quickly... get back in the water strong and ready to go!!

Here's some pics for you... almost done
Board room and a fridge are all I need!

on another note:
My new Sunova model is almost done!!!
I saw pictures of the finished glass job...
I may get the big one next week.
for some reason it got into production before my performance size... that may be another month.
I had them make me the biggest one that we can ship via airfreight, so I can test that one as well as my smaller ripper.

No, it's not a remake of the Creek... it is a totally different concept that I am more than stoked about!
Bert and I worked on it in several long Zoom style design sessions.
Watching him work my conversation into an evolving design was mind blowing.... he is magical!
Going to be a ripper.... fast, and snappy.
The real secret sauce:
We worked out how to get performance, that is super user friendly
More than excited!!

I don't know who's going to finish my house after this "Ghost" shows up at my door.... all I'm going to do is surf after that!!

Screw it... I'm gonna leak a peak at the finished design
I drool over these rails!

674 posts
21 Mar 2023 1:50PM
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That looks very sweet. I can relate to the working with Bert to get a dream shape. Just had a dream session with the board. How well it works for me and continues to give, nothing like the magic board. And alot is in the rails.

104 posts
21 Mar 2023 3:41PM
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Intriguing!! Gotta share thoughts/vids when you get it! When it arrives you will look at your house and say 'That'll do for now!!'

NSW, 907 posts
22 Mar 2023 4:54PM
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Good stuff Creek?? Future visions coming to a reality.
Nice work, nice rides and nice board.
Nothing like enjoying the rewards at the end.??

2666 posts
23 Mar 2023 9:22AM
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Napnap said..
Intriguing!! Gotta share thoughts/vids when you get it! When it arrives you will look at your house and say 'That'll do for now!!'

ha ha... yup!

2666 posts
23 Mar 2023 9:24AM
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Seajuice said..
Good stuff Creek?? Future visions coming to a reality.
Nice work, nice rides and nice board.
Nothing like enjoying the rewards at the end.??

Thanks Juiceman... I have high hopes that it performs as hoped.
Getting close to finding out!!

6 posts
31 Mar 2023 9:33PM
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Good stuff Mr. Rick - on the new board, can't tell but did u keep the Speeed style tail?

NSW, 137 posts
1 Apr 2023 9:18AM
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2666 posts
1 Apr 2023 9:49AM
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Supmmm said..
Good stuff Mr. Rick - on the new board, can't tell but did u keep the Speeed style tail?

Thanks Supmmm!
in a word... No.
This board is not based on the Creek or Speeed... or any remake of either.
Totally different concept with very specific goals.

I have preferred a rounded diamond tail for most of my shortboard life and it fits the goals of this board, but no channels, different rocker, rails and bottom.
So although the tail shape will understandably have people asking... it is a completely new design from the ground up.

I guess I am being intentionally vague because it isn't released yet and won't be until I get two sizes delivered so I can run through some serious testing. If it isn't exactly what I am after in every way... I won't approve it.

I have seen mine in TR3 (almost finished) and another that Bert is working on in XXX Balsa... and the tail, rails and features that are so very important, all look spectacular!!!!

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Steveo1 said..

NSW, 242 posts
5 Apr 2023 3:27PM
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supthecreek said..
I guess I am being intentionally vague because it isn't released yet and won't be until I get two sizes delivered so I can run through some serious testing. If it isn't exactly what I am after in every way... I won't approve it.

I suggest you add traction to the whole of the deck.
You are riding like you want to nose ride but you don't have the traction on the nose.

When you noseride put the blade of the paddle in the lip of the wave to hold you a bit higher in the wave.
Watch how you angle the blade, try to get it "flying" in the water.

Good luck with it all.

987 posts
7 Apr 2023 5:28PM
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If you are looking for as cool catchy name for it: the isn't released yet model does it for me

NSW, 743 posts
8 Apr 2023 8:16AM
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Jeroensurf said..
If you are looking for as cool catchy name for it: the isn't released yet model does it for me

Or the Vague!

104 posts
8 Apr 2023 10:07PM
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Second The Vague

75 posts
9 Apr 2023 2:22PM
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2666 posts
10 Apr 2023 10:08AM
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to all of the above

on another note.... my redecorating project is almost done

Good thing, cuz after the new board gets here, I'll be surfing again.... on the whatchacallit

Demolishing things is my fitness plan....

104 posts
10 Apr 2023 5:11PM
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Must say, looking good on it!!!

674 posts
16 Apr 2023 1:46AM
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You are on it man. That new boards is sick looking. But the building flex, awsome. You save so much doing it yourself.
Be careful, work safe, surf more.

75 posts
16 Apr 2023 9:01AM
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By the look of your knee protection ... The Creak?

NSW, 743 posts
16 Apr 2023 11:27AM
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moogengronko said..
By the look of your knee protection ... The Creak?

I have shoulder creaks from to many Reno's !


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Will I Ever SUP Surf Again?" started by supthecreek