Sweet Tardy. Your own board or do they make available ?
Also interested to know general
size of waves in that vid. Go Pro can be misleading
Thanks for comments ,I used their boards ,all sunova ,you can book a board ,or have a sunova sent .to the boat .
we targeted the smaller waves ,and less crowded areas where the surfers where not ,
most head north of male ,we headed south ..we had storms .and the weather was not that good
but scored some good uncrowded waves ..the last 2 days of surf where huge ..so shoulder hopping was in order .
the boat and food was fantastic ..they pick you up and boat you to the break carry your boards etc the crew where fantastic ..
we fished all the time off the boat ..and often where still drink and fishing ,seemed like all night ..beers where only $5
make sure you shout the first few drinks ..as after going to the top bar after a few drinks can get tricky .on a rocky boat .
i kinda fell down them stairs holding 4 handles of beer ..laugh of the party .always have one hand free ..
yes I would go again .
so surf size is medium ,but can get big ..on occasion if your lucky ..unfortunately not many left handers ..so all back hand for me ,which is cool ..
this was may 18 th .great journey and life time experience for me ,
our winter is the best time to go .
Thanks Tardy
We are booked to go this June , so looking forward to it
Got a couple of new boards to take
How's the new Acid going?
Epic! Nice vid Dude....looks like an incredible trip!
Fell down the stairs with hands full of beer? someone had to do it!
Almost felt like I was there!
My board was there....
My Kook Hat was there....
...... almost
I actually rode that exact 8'10 Creek at the Sunova Factory in Thailand,
then they ripped it out of my hands to take to the Maldives...
Glad you got to ride it Tardy!
Nice vid phill brings back some good memories. was a cracking trip mate and was epic sharing your room and watching you sneak in the bell boy when you blocked up the crapper
I wasn't the only one ...roomy ..
great memories ,lets plan another
maybe you could catch a fish next time ..
Sorry grizzly gizzie ,it was journey music ..
what music do you like ,i will put it on my next one ,
reggae or heavy .
that should get you "strike one" on YouTube.
anything from top bands may get you busted for copy-write infringement.
Ask me how I know
Great vid. I love that feeling of your first wave of the trip. So much anticipation for months prior, so much travel, and then you paddle into a clean wall and boom.....the trip has started. I am always bummed after every trip that I didn't get more footage too.