how much time do i need to spend,if any on a bigger paddle board before i progress to a smaller board and what is the best type of board for riding larger faster waves say up to double head plus,ive never done sup before,is the stand up paddle part hard to master in surf .thanks for sharing the wisdom.
If i was you i would Borrow a smaller wave oriented paddle board around 8'6 - 9 and take it for a paddle in 2 foot waves - you will soon see spending some time on a larger floaty board will pay dividends -
riding a short board does not automatically mean sup balance - the bigger it gets the more water movement the better the balance, timing and paddling coordination needs to be - take your time to get the skills together cause nothing replaces hours of paddling in crappy choppy conditions
Good luck and enjoy
Where do you live Mort? How much do you weigh? If you want you can have a paddle on my 8'5 x 29. It will give you a rough idea on how it feels and what you will need to get started.
thanks for the offer green room,im in the rockingham area,im hiring a board today hopefully will give me an indication,im planning on using the sup at a few rottnest locations which i think will be suited for its superior paddle speed and better vision of approching sets from what i can gather sups will get you on to the wave a bit earlier and get around the line up a bit quicker but when you get caught inside probably get punished a little more what do you think.i have a spot marked that no one surfs its perfect barrels and big on a smallish swell,but close to cliffs.
I went straight onto a 8'5 by 28 and had little problems... It definitely helps to have some flat water around to build balance muscle without the frustration... Be careful when climbing whitewash more than waist to head high cos the board can flick up and hit your face.. Best to adopt the surf stance or just bail and prepare for a yanking... I've also found that a solid leggy that wraps below the knee better... When you have to bail, ball up then straighten out as the board gets taken away from you to lessen the strain on your can be frustrating but so worth it in the fun stakes... Enjoy.. Oh, don't surf with too many others when your starting, just find a bank to yourself.. More waves and less hate and chance of killing people.
thanks benny i demoed a 10 foot board on flat water and i think im gonna love it,trying an 8'6 soon thanks for the encouragment.