Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

sunova delaminating ?

Created by Jawgar > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2019
ACT, 21 posts
29 Apr 2019 12:18PM
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On my Sunova Speeed the deck feels spongy under where I stand. Any ideas what's happening? Cheers

VIC, 796 posts
29 Apr 2019 4:46PM
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any discolouration / watermarks around the handle?

49 posts
29 Apr 2019 3:11PM
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Hey Jawgar,

If you get a chance send me some pictures to and i'll see if we can figure out what's going on!



ACT, 21 posts
1 May 2019 5:14PM
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@dylan - sent

VIC, 172 posts
2 May 2019 6:51PM
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I had 2 sunova flows bubble where my feet were positioned when paddling. One was a huge bubble but sunova sorted each one out and replaced the both .

473 posts
3 May 2019 4:02AM
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Sadly they weren't interested in my Speeed when that delaminated, despite about 30 pics and descriptions sent to them last year..

Hope you get more assistance than I did over in the UK.

1508 posts
3 May 2019 6:36AM
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I wish all brands who use wood laminates - especially very thick ones - would use a wood stringer, like Hypr Nalu Hawaii do. Doing so creates an I-beam structure and I imagine that it would create much greater strength and resilience to deck delamination.

Here's what a wood laminate board with a stringer can look like (though of course you can't see the stringer).

831 posts
3 May 2019 8:45AM
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Very nice board. Wood or veneer are great material to use.
Don't believe in stringers in a composite board. As it's a hard outer skin (eggshell). Delamination does occasionally happen but also owner care with vent.

In polyester resin & urethane foam boards yes as the foam is denser and skin lighter.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"sunova delaminating ?" started by Jawgar