Forums > Surfing Longboarding

At 8' 6" Ithink this qualifies.

Created by beerdead > 9 months ago, 24 Dec 2014
NSW, 433 posts
24 Dec 2014 11:31PM
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13831 posts
24 Dec 2014 8:33PM
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If that is one your own girls Beersy - that is awesome really

NSW, 433 posts
24 Dec 2014 11:53PM
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Sort of. It was a CNC shaped blank from Midget, but there was still a lot of work to finish it. Especially when I trimmed 3" off the tail and 2" off the nose.

Glassed a bit different this time. The deck was glassed first with 4 oz, and a tint, then laminated the bottom with6oz, and then lammed the deck again but with 6 oz. A bit off weight but I have realised that weight is helpful in getting into the wave as well as pushing through flat spots and ****e.
22" wide and 3 1/4 thick, glassed with epoxy resin. Need to master that.

If was to do it again I would aim for 23" wide, with the widest point a bit back, and a slightly pinnier tail, but it was an exercise to occupy myself.

8266 posts
24 Dec 2014 11:01PM
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SA, 1739 posts
25 Dec 2014 8:04AM
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Loks awesome, you should be very proud of that.

TAS, 1925 posts
25 Dec 2014 8:58AM
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Very nice dude

WA, 9675 posts
25 Dec 2014 6:22AM
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Great work on the board mate.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 Dec 2014 9:43AM
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Thats a beauty ! Is it a mid length or a gun

NSW, 433 posts
25 Dec 2014 9:04PM
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Gun. No offence to midlengthers. :D

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
25 Dec 2014 8:21PM
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mid longer's is the new term for 2015

mid length sounds a bit porny

no wonder the sb moral guardian cobra gets upset

NSW, 1488 posts
1 Jan 2015 11:12AM
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beerdead said..

I think you got the jump on Roy, Beery, should have put a copywrite on that shape..just move the box back 2.2 Metres


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"At 8' 6" Ithink this qualifies." started by beerdead