Ok Ok I don't expect this thread too last too long, but I think a quick thread during times where people may have a little more time off could be nostalgic for some of us
I used to collect cool drink bottles, sell "pet rocks" & wash cars before I hit the big time of selling newspapers as a paper boy in the early 80's. A lot of that money went on computer games & pinnies. The typical 20c per shot kind. But I'd like to see this thread expand out from the Pinball Parlours -> Arcades -> Consoles/PC Gaming
Its not for everyone, but there are few who have not enjoyed at least one of the genres
I've been an electronic gamer since a good friend got an Atari 2600 in 1979 & local shops typically deli's & food outlets had them out for people to play while they waited for their food to be cooked. Sadly I can't think of a place within 20k that has one now, I think a lot have been snapped up by enthusiasts like my uncle who used to repair them for Time Zone. I enjoy popping into arcades in Tokyo & Lippo Mall Bali to sit in a car type game with steering wheel & throttle (no break required haha).
But anyway, my faves...
Loved playing this at Ballcatta Rollerdrome (Perth Roller Skating Rink)
I was unbeatable I remember owning a intelevision console...it was the ducks at the time,the controller was its demise lol
After a miss spent youth in bowling alleys playing pinball games, never got in to this.
Probably 10 years older.
Space invaders was as far as I got.
Not criticising tho
Atari river raid,
James bond goldeneye and mariokart nintendo 64 best ever
I used to like wonderboy on the arcade, and mortal kombat3.
on another point there was an auction about a month ago with heaps of arcade games, the reserves for all of them were 1500/2000 theyhad nba jam and i nearly went for that. There is a fella who sells the oldsit down table ones for a few grand with 48 games. He is in the quokka sometimes
wonder boy alex kid...damn there were heaps. my auncle had heaps of pinnies at his house.
bowling alleys were always dudes wearing turtle necks we thought and saw
but I hear you nozza as I grew up playing snooker in a pretty dodgy pool halls
Double dragon, Bubble bobble , Gauntlet, outrun . threw heaps of coin into them all at the arcade in the mid/late 80's
still into it but its PC gaming these days, enjoy the strategy and sim stuff, some multiplayer too.
Enjoying a Australian produced ocean survival game at the minute , Stranded Deep.
Hell yeah, classic games mentioned. Had some great times playing them
Couple more,
pew pew lol
720 - the skating game before Tony Hawk
Black Dragon
I justify my spending on Clash of Clans ($15 a month) by telling the wifey its less than I was spending on Sega Rally a week 20 years ago.
Wasn't hugely into them - but I remember one Gaming arcade in Hay Street west end , had probably the best Asian Food Hall I've eaten to this day included , there were a couple of popular ones 1943 , Donkey Kong , Cabal or something like that had a big laughing skull on the pay up screen , others I can sort of still remember the music but not the names.
1943 ! Classic game. I downloaded that a few years back for a laugh - was not as much fun as I remembered through
haha 720 I forgot about that game, I spent a ton of time on it. The conversion to C64 was a bonus but I think it was really pushing the boundaries of the huge 64k processor. The arcade version was epic, but a real coin stealer haha...not like double dragon where a mate & I would elbow our way too victory with one 20c pretty much every time.
I remember that place Pup, enjoyed many a selection of good food in there...Cabal was one of the best C64 games ever, one of the last games I ever played in 1991