Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Christenson Flat Tracker 7'6"

Created by AndyrooMac > 9 months ago, 4 May 2017
TAS, 1925 posts
4 May 2017 9:49PM
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Decided I needed another Mid-Length for bigger days when you need that down the line speed. Was looking for a mid-length glider as I like to surf with the wave rather than bashing the lip and I really don't like having to pump a board to generate speed. So I started looking at Hulls and modified hulls but was sorta nervous as i'm an average level surfer and I think a Hull is pretty tricky to ride and ride well.

These days i'm mostly on the log and occasionally the SubX, I've had the SubX out in some fast overhead days lately and it goes amazing but its just not what the board was designed for.... "insert fridge door jibe from Chrispy"

Anyway so I started looking at a bunch of options and narrowed it down to the Ryan Lovelace V-Bowls, Adreini Vaquero and either the Christenson C-Bucket or Flat Tracker. It then happened that SP was in the process of ordering a C-Bucket as Chris (Christenson) was in Australia so I thought i'd take advantage and get one ordered while I had the chance.

Start reading about Christenson and the guys super highly rated and a real innovator when it comes to board design. His boards are all hand shaped, well thought out, complex, beautifully crafted and go like the clappers.

For the record, I've also ordered a Ryan Lovelace which is 2-3 months away. That guys doing AMAZING things in mid-length board progression but that's the another thread...

And so, she finally arrived... and she's bloody beautiful!!!

WA, 2355 posts
4 May 2017 8:29PM
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Looks awesome. That should have that natural speed you are chasing.

9106 posts
5 May 2017 4:59AM
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Nice board Andy

has your lawn had chemo?

TAS, 507 posts
5 May 2017 7:01AM
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QLD, 21946 posts
5 May 2017 7:11AM
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Very nice looking board Andy what size fin are you running in her?

QLD, 529 posts
5 May 2017 9:09AM
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That rocker looks sensational and the thickness is right where you need it. IMHO a lot of mid lengths extend the volume too far forward.

NSW, 1650 posts
5 May 2017 9:35AM
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Very very nice mate.

TAS, 1925 posts
5 May 2017 7:52PM
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Thanks boyz...

Broke her in at the river the other day with some real nice right handers and the odd freight train lefts...

Faaa#@rking so stoked with the board, really excelled, was just gliding accross the sections while the other SB guy, a much better surfer, was having to pump abs pump and race to make it wave I was just cruising. Holds a beautiful line in the pocket, feels like a small barrel hunter given the right waves...
Paddles really nice ave was generally getting me in pretty easy, I'd say better than the 9'3" Whalebone which is decent.

Went pretty easy first time out but was deffinately love at first wave...

Also nearly killed big Steve, he was super deep so I thought he was going right... I turns out he wasn't... and would have made a screemer... but I fudged it and nearly killed him... Was about to get to feet and was like Fa#@aark! Had to grab the rail to stop it from impaling him... Oops... Bloody longboarder snakes

Fin is a 7.5" Captain Fin Brothers Marshal, apparently this board loves smaller low profile fin with a bit of flex. Was a bit nervous as it seems small as a single but so far she turns and holds amazing but it had made me a bit reluctant to push it.

And yes, my lawn is a disgrace... Care factor zero

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Aug 2017 4:04PM
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Thought I'd do a quick update on this...

The Christianson has become my go-to board, lives in the Van and I just LOVE this board. I can ride it in small waist high slower stuff and its fun and cruisy, on sharp steeper beachies and its super fun but then on long walling rivermouth when it gets overhead and fast... mann she just feeeeeeeeelllllllllliiiiiiiiiieeeeessssssss... so fast and so smooth...

This is really a great board for loggers on those days when the waves are too big/fast for the log, the waves aren't right for noseriding, you don't feel like walking up and down to trim and turn or you just don't feel like carting around the big beast...For those that want a shorter board for cruising, gliding and down the line speed without any ugly pumping for speed, surf with the wave, find the right line and just glide across the face with long drawn out turns and enjoy.

Amazing board of brilliant quality and craftsmanship that over-delivers... If you get the chance to take one for a ride, i STRONGLY recommend...

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Aug 2017 4:05PM
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TAS, 1925 posts
1 Aug 2017 4:06PM
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TAS, 1925 posts
1 Aug 2017 4:06PM
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158 posts
17 Aug 2017 6:34AM
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AndyrooMac said..
Decided I needed another Mid-Length for bigger days when you need that down the line speed. Was looking for a mid-length glider as I like to surf with the wave rather than bashing the lip and I really don't like having to pump a board to generate speed. So I started looking at Hulls and modified hulls but was sorta nervous as i'm an average level surfer and I think a Hull is pretty tricky to ride and ride well.

These days i'm mostly on the log and occasionally the SubX, I've had the SubX out in some fast overhead days lately and it goes amazing but its just not what the board was designed for.... "insert fridge door jibe from Chrispy"

Anyway so I started looking at a bunch of options and narrowed it down to the Ryan Lovelace V-Bowls, Adreini Vaquero and either the Christenson C-Bucket or Flat Tracker. It then happened that SP was in the process of ordering a C-Bucket as Chris (Christenson) was in Australia so I thought i'd take advantage and get one ordered while I had the chance.

Start reading about Christenson and the guys super highly rated and a real innovator when it comes to board design. His boards are all hand shaped, well thought out, complex, beautifully crafted and go like the clappers.

For the record, I've also ordered a Ryan Lovelace which is 2-3 months away. That guys doing AMAZING things in mid-length board progression but that's the another thread...

And so, she finally arrived... and she's bloody beautiful!!!

Andy - has the Lovelace arrived yet? I was waiting close to a year for a V-Bowls before I got the ****s and gave up!! Ridiculous wait time....

would love to see some pics if you have the board and a ride report?

SA, 1739 posts
17 Aug 2017 6:40PM
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What about a re bowls from Trimcraft...

10980 posts
19 Aug 2017 5:57AM
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Any of these suit?

TAS, 1099 posts
11 Nov 2017 2:49PM
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AndyrooMac said..
Broke her in at the river the other day with some real nice right handers and the odd freight train lefts...

We both know I was the one to give it a real break in at the river bro

10980 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:33PM
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Teacake said..

AndyrooMac said..
Broke her in at the river the other day with some real nice right handers and the odd freight train lefts...

We both know I was the one to give it a real break in at the river bro

How'd you like it?

TAS, 1099 posts
19 Nov 2017 6:19PM
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SP said..

Teacake said..

AndyrooMac said..
Broke her in at the river the other day with some real nice right handers and the odd freight train lefts...

We both know I was the one to give it a real break in at the river bro

How'd you like it?

Quite enjoyed it bro! Pretty different to my own single fin - I have a 6'3 pin tail thing - and it was entirely different to anything I had really ridden before. Had the momentum of a mal when shooting down the line or paddling, but was able to lay a few drop knee cuttys down with far less effort than is needed for my longboards. Was an interesting board to surf to say the least, wouldn't mind one of my own, not that I can afford one.

Good thing I know where Andy lives though...

13831 posts
19 Nov 2017 4:03PM
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Sell one of those chickybabes you don't do anything with young grommet- tell you what we'll help you out with a few shekels for one no probs

TAS, 1099 posts
23 Nov 2017 10:18PM
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thePup said..
Sell one of those chickybabes you don't do anything with young grommet- tell you what we'll help you out with a few shekels for one no probs

9106 posts
30 Nov 2017 8:06AM
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thePup said..
Sell one of those chickybabes you don't do anything with young grommet- tell you what we'll help you out with a few shekels for one no probs

Pup you sound like Don Burke.

246 posts
16 Jul 2018 1:28PM
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Got a Telo Island trip locked in and was thinking of saving the hassle and leaving the 9'6 at home.
one of these look to be the goods.
Hows it going? And are then any others in this space I should be considering?

SA, 1739 posts
16 Jul 2018 3:47PM
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They look great, maybe a Howard Special Mini is one to throw into the mix..??

10980 posts
16 Jul 2018 3:55PM
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glide77 said..
Got a Telo Island trip locked in and was thinking of saving the hassle and leaving the 9'6 at home.
one of these look to be the goods.
Hows it going? And are then any others in this space I should be considering?

Look at the c bucket or the nautilus as well. I'd add side bites to a c bucket. I took a single fin to Fiji and now have one with training wheels and like it more then the straight single.

Campbell bros, speed egg isn't a bad option either.

Where you staying in the Telos?

10980 posts
16 Jul 2018 4:13PM
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Good review site. Has lots of board reviews, especially the Christensons.

TAS, 1925 posts
16 Jul 2018 7:08PM
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glide77 said..
Got a Telo Island trip locked in and was thinking of saving the hassle and leaving the 9'6 at home.
one of these look to be the goods.
Hows it going? And are then any others in this space I should be considering?

Hey Dude, yeah, that board was unreal and I did sell it... which I do regret. Was in mint condition so I sold it and recovered my whole investment... Kinda reluctantly sold it before I de-valued it...

My only real flaw in the board was that I felt it needed more nose rocker. On steeper waves I found the nose would occasionally catch and I felt I had to kinda manage it a lot.

The replacement is a 7'7" Ryan Lovelace ThickLizzy which has a completely different hull (tri-plane hull) is a pintail vs refined square tail and has a bit more nose rocker. The TL can I can also cheater 5 which is kinda cool...

1st impressions are that Lizzy is a slightly better all-round board, especially in steeper waves buuut... I would say the Flat Tracker was a slightly better wave pig, and gets you in earlier...

For Telo islands you are paddling into steeper waves... so... If you want a great midlength I would look at the Flat Trackers sexy sister, the Christenson C-Bucket as it has a bit more nose rocker and the pintail will make it more neutral in the barrel. I think Lizzy would go unreal over there and Ryan is shaping a container for Australia so could be possible depending on your time line. I would also consider a Dick Van Straalen Reef Runner, one of my mates surfed a twin fin RR 7'6" over there recently and it went unreal... I would also look at A Channel Island Biscuit Bonzer Or Takayama Super Mini

let me know if you have any more specific questions about the Lizzy or FT Cheers

246 posts
16 Jul 2018 6:21PM
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Cheers for the's a unique little niche/genre of boards these mid lengths!
ill check the ones u mentioned.
im really enjoying my 11ft Christenson and was hoping he was putting the same voodoo into the mids!....what sort of rails did the flat tracker have?

246 posts
16 Jul 2018 6:24PM
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SP said..

glide77 said..
Got a Telo Island trip locked in and was thinking of saving the hassle and leaving the 9'6 at home.
one of these look to be the goods.
Hows it going? And are then any others in this space I should be considering?

Look at the c bucket or the nautilus as well. I'd add side bites to a c bucket. I took a single fin to Fiji and now have one with training wheels and like it more then the straight single.

Campbell bros, speed egg isn't a bad option either.

Where you staying in the Telos?

Hey there...yeah was not sure about the side bites,but I spose u don't have to use them...
we are staying at Monkeys

SA, 1739 posts
16 Jul 2018 7:59PM
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Isn't the c bucket the same planshape as his glider?

246 posts
16 Jul 2018 6:39PM
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McHenry said..
Isn't the c bucket the same planshape as his glider?

Hmm not sure... I think it's the flat tracker ...c bucket is more pin tail...but even so one is 11ft vs 7'6...but if he's putting the same goodness into the small ones I'm keen!

TAS, 1925 posts
16 Jul 2018 8:54PM
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McHenry said..
Isn't the c bucket the same planshape as his glider?

Similar but not the same, but he makes the C-Bucket up to 9'6" where its a mini glider. A true glider is proportionately narrower and with a different rail profile as its purely designed for straight line speed whereas the C-bucket is designed for turns and barrel riding as well.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Christenson Flat Tracker 7'6"" started by AndyrooMac