I always thought they looked more like some sort of slater or beetle. I remember traveling across the Nullabor as a13 yr old in it with them. It was so different to dads HQ statio It may as well have been a space ship. It was so quiet the only noise was the was the power steering and the a/c fan, it probably had more than 3 gears too
Nice one Al, dig the EH panno, still lusting after one. Was searching for one as a young bloke and ended up with a HR panel an instead. It was heaps of fun. Not as good as the HG/t/k in the sand though.
Thanks Obct,I'm currently trying to do a deal with a guy who appears dodgy,so it would be a case of siting and paying and taking the goods straight away,oh 4 car rims could be a problem in a taxi