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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Creative Army 10'1" Sweet Love by Josh Constable

Created by AndyrooMac > 9 months ago, 2 Mar 2015
QLD, 21946 posts
18 Mar 2015 10:09PM
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wavelength said..
Hey Jas, are you leaving your ad on here until you reckon you've had your money's worth or just to torment us saps for not buying it?

haha I was going to ask the same question a few weeks ago.

1195 posts
19 Mar 2015 6:11PM
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Jas is messin' with our minds, so that the next time something comes out of his magic shed and gets put up for sale it sells in a nanosecond. I've google mapped him, put him in the phone as AAA-Jas-the-Board-Meister..... and I'm ready.

13831 posts
19 Mar 2015 7:06PM
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mmmmmm as Brother Tedly would say ..... The Thread that just keeps giving

9106 posts
25 Mar 2015 1:35PM
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Hey you'd be ready to sell that board by now

9106 posts
25 Mar 2015 1:37PM
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Sorry Andy i was confusing you with Mac

QLD, 1820 posts
25 Mar 2015 3:59PM
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vanders1 said..

wavelength said..
Hey Jas, are you leaving your ad on here until you reckon you've had your money's worth or just to torment us saps for not buying it?

+1, he's just a cruel bugger.

lol i took it off just 2 days ago... people kept texting me :)

damn that was a good board... should have kept it

TAS, 1925 posts
25 Mar 2015 11:13PM
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Totally, I'm more board hoarder as opposed to board wh0re

But actually she's hardly been wet lately, it's been big and fast lately down here so the Hot Log it's getting all the action, shoulda taken her out on Monday though...

And yes, this one's deffinately a keeper, add is the HL

TAS, 1925 posts
6 Apr 2015 12:04AM
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Two cracking sessions on the Sweet Love and she's excelled.

Yesterday, thought it would be small but turned up to head high rifling lefts at Carlton. Was pretty sure the big beast would struggle but she flew and had an amazing time.

This morning was smaller, shoulder high, see pic below and I really didn't have the patience to wait for a good set... These waves were just perfect for the board.

Managed a few 5's both days, board walks amazing and I'm sure this'll be a nose riding dream as my ability to correctly position improves.
Trim is superb, the hold and speed in the pocket was a real surprise, had a few crouch down runs just in front of the tube section and it's very hard getting barrelled on a 10'er.
Turns, like a log, heavy! On the backhand I've nailed the grab rail bottom turn to get these 10'ers around fast. It does actually turn better than expected, smooth but just not tight. Also, turns really well off the nose.

Gotta say I'm as much in love with this as the HL, different boards that make the perfect logging quiver

QLD, 3809 posts
6 Apr 2015 7:10AM
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Great pic and story mate, sounds like a perfect session.

QLD, 1820 posts
7 Apr 2015 10:40AM
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hows those waves and no one on them ... dont see that too often up these parts

QLD, 3809 posts
7 Apr 2015 1:38PM
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jasdeking said...
hows those waves and no one on them ... dont see that too often up these parts

I'm putting the house on the market and moving to Tassie.

TAS, 1108 posts
7 Apr 2015 2:27PM
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AndyrooMac said..
Two cracking sessions on the Sweet Love and she's excelled.
Yesterday, thought it would be small but turned up to head high rifling lefts at Carlton. Was pretty sure the big beast would struggle but she flew and had an amazing time.
This morning was smaller, shoulder high, see pic below and I really didn't have the patience to wait for a good set... These waves were just perfect for the board.
Managed a few 5's both days, board walks amazing and I'm sure this'll be a nose riding dream as my ability to correctly position improves.
Trim is superb, the hold and speed in the pocket was a real surprise, had a few crouch down runs just in front of the tube section and it's very hard getting barrelled on a 10'er.
Turns, like a log, heavy! On the backhand I've nailed the grab rail bottom turn to get these 10'ers around fast. It does actually turn better than expected, smooth but just not tight. Also, turns really well off the nose.
Gotta say I'm as much in love with this as the HL, different boards that make the perfect logging quiver

hey Andy, i managed to sneek back after lunch on Sunday, had a big pulse about 3.00, overhead, had it to myself for an hour and was then joined by a 666, over 40 at park surfing closeouts as usual

TAS, 1925 posts
7 Apr 2015 6:49PM
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Nice one dude, so glad you scored it again
In the morning it kicked again pretty much as soon as you got out, scored a few rippers and had the left to myself, really really didn't want to get out

QLD, 1820 posts
7 Apr 2015 7:23PM
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vanders1 said..

jasdeking said...
hows those waves and no one on them ... dont see that too often up these parts

I'm putting the house on the market and moving to Tassie.

i know we could all sell up and move and then .. hang on then it would be like.... ah well maybe a holiday

TAS, 1925 posts
7 Apr 2015 7:47PM
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jasdeking said..

vanders1 said..

jasdeking said...
hows those waves and no one on them ... dont see that too often up these parts

I'm putting the house on the market and moving to Tassie.

i know we could all sell up and move and then .. hang on then it would be like.... ah well maybe a holiday

Guys, the water is freezing down here, you really wouldn't like it at all

Actually, I surfed here a few weeks back with Sam Tatterson, he's from Noosa but less in Nsw, sponsored by Dead Kooks, if was pretty decent and really beautiful day with about 6 guys out and he couldn't believe the lack of crowds, pick the right spot/right day and it can be amazing


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Creative Army 10'1" Sweet Love by Josh Constable" started by AndyrooMac