Forums > Surfing Longboarding

NSP TasSURFfesT 2016

Created by PBBRclub > 9 months ago, 18 Dec 2015
TAS, 92 posts
18 Dec 2015 6:01PM
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Who's idea was this, running a SUP comp in the middle of summer, it's only ever been done in the middle of winter in Tassie, just crazy and it's got Long boarders !
We will see SUPers casting aside their paddles to compete against the long boarders and long boarders picking up paddles to compete against the SUPers, should be interesting as well as the full program of events planned.
Our friends at NSP have very generously donated a SUP & a Longboard that will be given away in the random draw on Saturday night to 2 lucky entrants.
Just a note to our very supportive past sponsors, due to the short time frame and a very busy time of year for you we have left you alone this time, but don't worry, we will be looking for you support at the "TassieSUP Winter Classic".

Anyway guys, get you entries in and your accommodation booked as the Lufra is already filling up at these prices.
Lufra has released rates for NSP TasSURFfest, just call Lufra Reception on 6250 3262. Budget Hotel Rooms reduced to $100, apartments reduced to $150 for two, or $225 for Spa 2 bedroom apartment for up to 4. Better rates for two night stays. MAKE SURE you mention NSP TasSURFfest 29th to 31st Jan to get these exclusive comp rates.

TAS, 1108 posts
26 Dec 2015 12:03PM
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So which tassie boys are going to have a crack at this, I've entered in both the longboard and 666, no longer have a longboard, but giving it a go on the Jimmy Lewis black and blue for a bit of fun, shouldn't give the dedicated longboarders to much trouble, but at least I have a chance at winning a board

NSW, 37 posts
26 Dec 2015 4:57PM
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Can't wait! Great to to see this in summer and at such a top location with plenty of options. All bases covered: Longboard, downwind, SUP surf and BOP.
9' plus boards activate!

TAS, 2648 posts
26 Dec 2015 7:34PM
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C, mon every one in. First prize is a NSP Longboard donated by our great sponsors

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Dec 2015 6:45PM
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Looks like fun.

Wouldnt work up here tho. A certain cranky gatekeeper wouldnt have a bar of it.

He knows who he is

QLD, 21946 posts
26 Dec 2015 7:33PM
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laceys lane said..
Looks like fun.

Wouldnt work up here tho. A certain cranky gatekeeper wouldnt have a bar of it.

He knows who he is

Sack the gatekeeper he has been letting seaplanes land of late.

TAS, 92 posts
7 Jan 2016 2:03PM
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looking for a warm up before the big comp at the end of the month

TAS, 92 posts
11 Jan 2016 7:14PM
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A few shots from yesterday's Park Beach Boardriders warm up comp, only a few weeks to go for the big one boys and girls, don't forget to get your entries in, no use turning up on the day thinking you will getting a spot because you won't

TAS, 92 posts
24 Jan 2016 7:29PM
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Just a reminder guys that entries close Wednesday, click on the link at the bottom now !
Don't forget, that by just entering and turning up at the presentation dinner you will go into the random draw for a NSP longboard (longboard entries) & a NSP/DC SUP (SUP entries) from our good friends at NSP and thanks to Damien @ Jay Sails and SUP for his efforts too, enter both for the double chance.

Here's the program
Friday, am free surf Friday - Lufra lunch- SUP downwinder- casual dinner Lufra & live music
Saturday, am longboard/SUP surf comp followed by longboard v SUP 8 Ball comp & surf movies in Lufra bar, then presentation dinner, live music and board draw.
Sunday, am SUP and longboard prone racing

and last but not least, contact Lufra direct for great rates on accommodation

TAS, 92 posts
31 Jan 2016 8:40PM
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The inaugural NSP TasSURFesT was run and won yesterday in small clean conditions at the Carlton River SUPer bank, another great day and night was had by all. Massive effort from the east coast crew for fighting floods and road closures to make it and also our sponsors, NSP, Jay Sails & SUP, Lufra Hotel & Apartments and Anchor Wetsuits.

1.Tom Kelly (aka teacake)
2.Michael Paxton
3.Jo Goldfinch
4.Tom Hunt.

L-R Michael, 2nd in the longboard and winner of the NSP SUP, Mat, winner of SUP comp, little Brodie, teacak, winner of longboard comp & Lewis, winner of the NSP longboard.

TAS, 1099 posts
31 Jan 2016 8:43PM
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Know of anyone that managed to get any photos of the surfing PBBRclub? Well run event, cheers for a sick weekend

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
31 Jan 2016 8:44PM
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well done TC !! !! Any action pics?

Great minds think a like

TAS, 1099 posts
31 Jan 2016 8:44PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
well done TC !! !! Any action pics?

Thanks bro. They sure do.

Now to hunt down some pics

TAS, 1108 posts
31 Jan 2016 8:57PM
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Teacake said..
Know of anyone that managed to get any photos of the surfing PBBRclub? Well run event, cheers for a sick weekend

Hey Tom, Tassie Watersports was there early, but I think she had left before the long boarding, she has a facebook page but hasn't put anything up yet, but you could ask Shayne as he had someone there too.l

wave of the day goes unridden

TAS, 1108 posts
31 Jan 2016 9:15PM
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Just like to add a note on the spirit of the comp, for some reason a few guys turned up with sub 9' boards and obviously weren't allowed to ride then in a state championship event, so they had to share boards, guys were swimming out to get a board of the heat that had just finished to surf in their heat.
not like me that had a 9'6" X 28" noserider 666, bit for some reason I was called out of the water because it was to big WTF

TAS, 1925 posts
1 Feb 2016 7:46AM
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Great job TC, pretty sure you would have been the only only traditional longboarder so its a good result. MP, who came second, would have been on my old stick and hes a ripping surfer. Bummed I couldn't make it down for a watch but we will manage to get together and surf one day...

And sounds like the judges got it spot on to me RR, riding a SUP in an LB event... really

TAS, 1108 posts
1 Feb 2016 6:10PM
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AndyrooMac said..
Great job TC, pretty sure you would have been the only only traditional longboarder so its a good result. MP, who came second, would have been on my old stick and hes a ripping surfer. Bummed I couldn't make it down for a watch but we will manage to get together and surf one day...

And sounds like the judges got it spot on to me RR, riding a SUP in an LB event... really

Andy, young TC has scored a job down our end of the state and wI'll be entering our lineup shortly, he seems house trained, but if not he will be after a session at the river with us
it wasn't as if I tried to use a paddle

TAS, 1925 posts
5 Feb 2016 5:04PM
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riverider said..

AndyrooMac said..
Great job TC, pretty sure you would have been the only only traditional longboarder so its a good result. MP, who came second, would have been on my old stick and hes a ripping surfer. Bummed I couldn't make it down for a watch but we will manage to get together and surf one day...

And sounds like the judges got it spot on to me RR, riding a SUP in an LB event... really

Andy, young TC has scored a job down our end of the state and wI'll be entering our lineup shortly, he seems house trained, but if not he will be after a session at the river with us
it wasn't as if I tried to use a paddle

Awesome news, be nice to have another logger in the lineup... and I'm sure I can train him to help me blocking that F'ing swarm of SUPs crowding out the lineup


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"NSP TasSURFfesT 2016" started by PBBRclub