Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Single Fin Pins

Created by McHenry > 9 months ago, 30 May 2020
SA, 1739 posts
30 May 2020 4:13PM
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Just absolutely loving this style of board lately

10979 posts
30 May 2020 2:49PM
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2+1 equals more fun.

Singles are great in some types of waves but for me and the waves we get the sides make them more versatile.

SA, 1739 posts
30 May 2020 4:20PM
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So should the thread be 2+1 Pins??

SA, 1739 posts
30 May 2020 4:37PM
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WA, 2355 posts
30 May 2020 8:09PM
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We've had a big run of singles at work recently. 8 in the last three weeks. Most were pure singles too. 6'2" - 8'10".

I prefer 2+1 a lot of the time too.

Got a 7'6" on the way actually.

WA, 2355 posts
30 May 2020 8:10PM
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Oops. In all that drafting I deleted the bit that said "Some wicked looking boards there".

I love singles.

TAS, 2249 posts
31 May 2020 7:17PM
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Interesting read on wearesurfers re tail shape and board performance - always thought there was a huge difference but apparently not - except for the pintail

TAS, 2249 posts
31 May 2020 7:22PM
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Couple of 60 s boards a mate of mine has

WA, 1404 posts
31 May 2020 8:23PM
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Here's mine

Can't beat pin single

WA, 2226 posts
31 May 2020 9:01PM
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I only ride pins. Just can't get off them

Oh and channel's

QLD, 21940 posts
12 Jun 2020 8:00AM
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SA, 1739 posts
12 Jun 2020 8:57AM
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New one Mac??

I was literally thinking yesterday it has been awhile since you ordered one!

QLD, 21940 posts
12 Jun 2020 9:30AM
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McHenry said..
New one Mac??

I was literally thinking yesterday it has been awhile since you ordered one!

Yes mate a new one to complete the quiver, I did say complete

519 posts
12 Jun 2020 9:15AM
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Your colour choices always look great

QLD, 21940 posts
12 Jun 2020 2:19PM
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damned67 said..
Your colour choices always look great

looks like someone else likes it as well.

Daneli Returns
NSW, 160 posts
12 Jun 2020 4:04PM
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I love pins.

They just look sick and when the wave suits, there is no better feeling than that hold on a steep wall.

2+1 for me and to be honest would prefer a thruster set up.

Now thinking about a mid length pin.

SA, 1739 posts
13 Jun 2020 12:17PM
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Here ya go Daneli

Daneli Returns
NSW, 160 posts
13 Jun 2020 1:26PM
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McHenry said..
Here ya go Daneli

Nice. And a CW as well. A bit of width in the nose there. I'm thinking it might be a bit of a flatter rocker. Such a hard recipe to get right, rocker, rails, plan shape.

QLD, 5544 posts
13 Jun 2020 3:02PM
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Macaha said..

damned67 said..
Your colour choices always look great

looks like someone else likes it as well.

Yes but mine is a square tail

NSW, 1125 posts
15 Jun 2020 10:40AM
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I have one single fin pin... 9.0 it for speed in the shore breaks and steep

SA, 1739 posts
15 Jun 2020 11:04AM
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climber said..
I have one single fin pin... 9.0 it for speed in the shore breaks and steep

Let's see it Climber!!!

626 posts
15 Jun 2020 10:18AM
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Had an old Crozier 7'?" single fin round nose pin tail back in the late 70's.

Hand me down form a neighbour who's son had stopped surfing.

Back then there was no such thing as a "mid length", it was either a long short, or a short long.

Looking back at the outline, rocker, rail shapes and the bottom vee that board was decades ahead of it's time and would would ride circles around a lot of these new age mid lengths.

So nice to see elements of this type of design and style of surfing being revived and reaching a new (and old) generation.

It brings back memories of the soul that exists in connecting with nature, of being in that "moment" of engagement where your whole focus is taken up in the elements. Every other soul destroying care is rendered obsolete and you exist only for that moment, the drop, the turn, the wall in front of you, with the only noise your hearing is the foam ball chasing you and trying to tear away that moment.

I dare say it's the same for longboarding as it is for midlengthing.

But it's something that always eluded me on a short board, it was always about rip, tear and lacerate .......... repeat. And the eternal frustration of not being able to accomplish that to the performance level desired (well for 90% of us mere mortals anyway).

Long live the mid length.

Long live the signles, the twins, quads, thrusters, bonzers, duos, pins, swallows, rounds, diamonds and any other.

Long live them all that get you to that place.

NSW, 1125 posts
15 Jun 2020 12:19PM
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McHenry said..

climber said..
I have one single fin pin... 9.0 it for speed in the shore breaks and steep

Let's see it Climber!!!

I don't have a decent photo ..sadly only this ... makes the tail look wide..its not. The middle board is 6'6" the other mal is 9'3" (2015 photo ..still have all the boards ..and few others )


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Single Fin Pins" started by McHenry