Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Video - Logger Heads Malibu Classic - Mens Open Highlights

Created by gm1 > 9 months ago, 27 Jul 2017
NSW, 107 posts
27 Jul 2017 7:14PM
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The annual Logger Heads Malibu Classic was held last weekend in beautiful Scotts Head. 12 Divisions competed over 3 days. The first two days saw small surf in the 1-2 foot range. Day 3 the surf went wild with sets over 6 foot coming through at regular intervals. I have put together individual videos for each division on my youtube channel (search up gary mcevoy) Here is the Mens Open video which covers the 3 days, so if you want to see big waves, hang in to the second half of the video. Also, this is not click bait, I don't make any money from you watching the videos, just satisfaction that all the time and effort was worth it. Enjoy.

NSW, 3487 posts
27 Jul 2017 7:43PM
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what memories, when that place works it's my favourite LB wave on the coast, better than Arra and a way better attitude than Crescent.
Trouble is, I haven't been there at the right time, to see it work for around 5 years

Look at that screaming drop across the face at 7.40 minutes, I reckon that's what we live for

13831 posts
27 Jul 2017 6:22PM
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Cheers mate - seems lots of folks got a share of a decent swell event

QLD, 1820 posts
28 Jul 2017 10:31AM
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Thanks for the vid Gary

Cant believe we bailed this year on going down

QLD, 3570 posts
28 Jul 2017 2:44PM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Video - Logger Heads Malibu Classic - Mens Open Highlights" started by gm1