Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
9106 posts
4 May 2016 7:26PM
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slater waiting for his turn.

slaters morning surf report.

slater believes it'll be better when the tide drops.

these are rashies

QLD, 21947 posts
5 May 2016 7:55AM
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thePup said..
Hitting the Prez's club in the morning , would have had my hairy arse handed to me multiple times if I tried it today but fark it I'm gonna do it tomoz anyway

Not sure about you getting a flogging Pup,I hope you guys all turned up because its such a magical looking morning in and out of the water,I was tempted to join in but the back is playing up again.

WA, 9675 posts
5 May 2016 8:23AM
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Surfed a little waist to chest high beachie on the much fun.

Water is so warm and the water is super clean

Why I love being a surfer/KOOK

NSW, 7269 posts
5 May 2016 12:36PM
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Nice clean head high peaks today. Had heaps of fun . Will do it again tomorrow.

VIC, 3829 posts
5 May 2016 4:00PM
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5 guys
6 foot sets
200m rides
Best surf I've had in the last five years just endless right hand walls

QLD, 1332 posts
5 May 2016 6:40PM
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Just like my local except divide the size by 3 add .001 minus 2.75 and then forget the number you first thought of.
Oh and add 2 zeros to the 5 out there.

QLD, 723 posts
5 May 2016 6:58PM
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Few waves on the sunny coast, vibe in the water was not sharing, must have known I wasn't a local.

QLD, 21947 posts
5 May 2016 7:12PM
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Adapt said..
Few waves on the sunny coast, vibe in the water was not sharing, must have known I wasn't a local.

Best to cover the board logo when travelling mate,Vanders has not got a wave since he got his Goddard and Creative Army boards.

WA, 9675 posts
5 May 2016 5:26PM
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Tux said..
5 guys
6 foot sets
200m rides
Best surf I've had in the last five years just endless right hand walls

10980 posts
5 May 2016 5:32PM
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Keep them coming

13831 posts
5 May 2016 5:37PM
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WA, 52 posts
5 May 2016 6:07PM
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Went for a ride to the west coast today, from Ubud (80 mins on a scooter)each way, f___en sore butt now. It was big, saw a couple nearly drown, male on a boog woman swimming caught in big rip they were lucky to come out on the inside, both had hands up briefly. some will know this exact location.

WA, 52 posts
5 May 2016 6:11PM
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Heres a few more

8266 posts
5 May 2016 6:27PM
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I was watching those waves roll through Bells thinking, why isn't anyone going. They're letting all these waves go unridden. Then someone takes off & I realize its about 2 to 3 times bigger than I thought it was

Good score Niknot, looks like it was worth the pain. A lot less than Kmaz this morning

NSW, 7269 posts
6 May 2016 12:59PM
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Same deal today. Head high ,clean, nice water temp and got some nice waves.

NSW, 1125 posts
6 May 2016 1:10PM
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10 days out of the water
back in for an session today, warm clean, no crowd, 2-3ft fun
.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was nice

NSW, 7269 posts
6 May 2016 3:32PM
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Just back from another quick session. Who doesn't love a quickie ? It's backed off a bit but still got a few. Beautiful day.

QLD, 21947 posts
6 May 2016 3:42PM
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Looking like a fun weekend coming up finally

QLD, 5544 posts
6 May 2016 3:53PM
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Mac just did a drive by sad on the surf front water crystal clear and still warm

WA, 9675 posts
6 May 2016 2:04PM
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surfed my shorey again today....problem was ,it did not exist anymore...

then some poor bastard has copped it in there and was taken away in a ambo with suspected neck injury. Im hoping he will be ok,in fact im saying he will. positive thoughts for ya champ

13831 posts
6 May 2016 2:09PM
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Geez that's ordinary brother - we hope everything works out for the frother

QLD, 21947 posts
6 May 2016 4:15PM
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asea said..
Mac just did a drive by sad on the surf front water crystal clear and still warm

fun wave at snapper did you look

VIC, 3829 posts
6 May 2016 4:39PM
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2hrs of 3-4foot rights and lefts with six others...looks like another bump in swell for the morning I may not be able to walk by tomorrow night

QLD, 21947 posts
6 May 2016 5:04PM
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asea said..
Mac just did a drive by sad on the surf front water crystal clear and still warm

Just saw it.its got 9.10 or 10 footer all over it froth.

QLD, 5544 posts
6 May 2016 5:10PM
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Macaha said...
asea said..
Mac just did a drive by sad on the surf front water crystal clear and still warm

fun wave at snapper did you look

Yes but you and the rest of us don't surf Snapper

QLD, 21947 posts
6 May 2016 5:20PM
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asea said..

Macaha said...

asea said..
Mac just did a drive by sad on the surf front water crystal clear and still warm

fun wave at snapper did you look

Yes but you and the rest of us don't surf Snapper

Its the outside that I do,join us one day

WA, 9675 posts
6 May 2016 3:35PM
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Macaha said..

asea said..

Macaha said...

asea said..
Mac just did a drive by sad on the surf front water crystal clear and still warm

fun wave at snapper did you look

Yes but you and the rest of us don't surf Snapper

Its the outside that I do,join us one day

where is that farken red thumb

13831 posts
6 May 2016 3:42PM
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Macaha said..

asea said..

Macaha said...

asea said..
Mac just did a drive by sad on the surf front water crystal clear and still warm

fun wave at snapper did you look

Yes but you and the rest of us don't surf Snapper

Its the outside that I do,join us one day

Wanna do a wicked roadie with me champion I promise you we will find gold & frothiness

QLD, 21947 posts
6 May 2016 5:46PM
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Sure Pup but not this weekend so much on so little time.

and Chrispy we all knew it was you with the 2000 reds

WA, 9675 posts
6 May 2016 4:05PM
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Macaha said...
Sure Pup but not this weekend so much on so little time.

and Chrispy we all knew it was you with the 2000 reds

I wish.

That is pretty farken mental, 2000 reds hahahaha. Some serious dedication


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo