Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
QLD, 3809 posts
15 Jul 2016 4:14PM
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Macaha said..
Report in from EX MEMBER said the Alley was not that good and wished he was invited to the greenroom gathering this morning.

Didn't even know he had a phone as I've never had a call from him............

WA, 9675 posts
15 Jul 2016 2:15PM
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Macaha said..
Report in from EX MEMBER said the Alley was not that good and wished he was invited to the greenroom gathering this morning.

lol ex member reads the breeze more than me i think and would have known where we were.

does ex member wish for us to put at the end of each post with " änd also you ex member" bahahahahahahahaha

it would have been good to see you out there ex member

QLD, 3809 posts
15 Jul 2016 4:26PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said..
Report in from EX MEMBER said the Alley was not that good and wished he was invited to the greenroom gathering this morning.

lol ex member reads the breeze more than me i think and would have known where we were.

does ex member wish for us to put at the end of each post with " änd also you ex member" bahahahahahahahaha

it would have been good to see you out there ex member

No, why wreck a good morning?

WA, 1404 posts
15 Jul 2016 2:28PM
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You could call him the ex member formally known as Lacey

QLD, 21947 posts
15 Jul 2016 4:31PM
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vanders1 said..

chrispy said..

Macaha said..
Report in from EX MEMBER said the Alley was not that good and wished he was invited to the greenroom gathering this morning.

lol ex member reads the breeze more than me i think and would have known where we were.

does ex member wish for us to put at the end of each post with " änd also you ex member" bahahahahahahahaha

it would have been good to see you out there ex member

No, why wreck a good morning?

ouch thats gotta hurt.

QLD, 21947 posts
15 Jul 2016 4:32PM
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Ctngoodvibes said..
You could call him the ex member formally known as Lacey

Very formal he would like that.

10980 posts
15 Jul 2016 2:38PM
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Sounds like a term used after a post op trans operation..

Oh yeah that's her ex member..

13831 posts
15 Jul 2016 3:32PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said...
That looks nice Chrispy, I heard it was a great day out there today, I hope Pup is ok and has not been injured.

Pup is not injured...he is a dodgy soft piker

And yes mac it was super fun.

I will say after I saw a grom survive through pure luck and a bit of kookness from being sliced in half my usual snapper anxiety levels did start to rise

I did snake a bloke you will know for a smoker into cooly he even laughed when I finally out snaked him


QLD, 5544 posts
15 Jul 2016 6:28PM
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Too busy but did a drive by LM Kirra Alley saw Lacey he was about to go in Too long await for waves for the amount of peeps in water imagin the w/end happy surfing also brother totally pissed off sup learner at Alley no control of sup run over brother smashed new board thanks to the short boarders for their concerns.

QLD, 21947 posts
15 Jul 2016 6:33PM
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asea said..
Too busy but did a drive by LM Kirra Alley saw Lacey he was about to go in Too long await for waves for the amount of peeps in water imagin the w/end happy surfing also brother totally pissed off sup learner at Alley no control of sup run over brother smashed new board thanks to the short boarders for their concerns.

The Prez its your job to control this sort of behaviour

QLD, 5544 posts
15 Jul 2016 6:39PM
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Haha the funny thing the supper just paddled back out for more run overs he's lucky my brother is not hot tempered I don't mind suppers who know their shiz but learners on a wave who just bail and don't think ahead of what happens makes my blood boil

WA, 9675 posts
15 Jul 2016 5:05PM
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asea said..
Haha the funny thing the supper just paddled back out for more run overs he's lucky my brother is not hot tempered I don't mind suppers who know their shiz but learners on a wave who just bail and don't think ahead of what happens makes my blood boil

but asea i had a regular from LM bail his mal on me today. knobs everywhere. I was saying earlier that place give me anxiety.

QLD, 5544 posts
15 Jul 2016 7:51PM
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chrispy said...
asea said..
Haha the funny thing the supper just paddled back out for more run overs he's lucky my brother is not hot tempered I don't mind suppers who know their shiz but learners on a wave who just bail and don't think ahead of what happens makes my blood boil

but asea i had a regular from LM bail his mal on me today. knobs everywhere. I was saying earlier that place give me anxiety.

Chrispy I still can't get my head around that place Mac will have to tutor me

8266 posts
16 Jul 2016 12:56AM
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I often make a dog leg paddling inshore along the reef 20m past the take off before paddling straight out just to avoid 666'ers & kook LB'ers (rather than diagonally along the shoulder). Just been run over or almost run over too many times at my local. Takes longer, but worth the peace of mind...In turn there is also less chance you will get in the way of farking someones wave up through a fast section...not possible to do at every surf break but good at times when you can...Just saying...

QLD, 3809 posts
16 Jul 2016 11:27AM
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Surfed LM and into GM with Asea, some bigger sets were overhead with clean faces, not as good as yesterday but better than some others got.

QLD, 5544 posts
16 Jul 2016 12:00PM
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As above needed Mac out there to tutor me on crowds

QLD, 3809 posts
16 Jul 2016 12:55PM
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Ex member would have been like a fox in a hen house out there today, Mac was missed, there was some order that needed to be addressed that only he can sort out.

I'm thinking of strapping Pup to his board and towing him out there.

WA, 9675 posts
16 Jul 2016 3:01PM
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I have had a few more reports in. I am embarrassed to post them,and they are not even about me

9106 posts
16 Jul 2016 3:36PM
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Nice wave here ATM ,it's just the 300+mm of rain we've had thats has put a dampner on things.
Most roads are cut.
Looking like milo waves tomorrow

NSW, 7269 posts
19 Jul 2016 7:01PM
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Thursday is my only day off this week . Haven't missed much and it was flat today.

QLD, 21947 posts
19 Jul 2016 7:05PM
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smh said..
Thursday is my only day off this week . Haven't missed much and it was flat today.

Settled in after your long holiday mate?

NSW, 7269 posts
19 Jul 2016 7:29PM
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Macaha said..

smh said..
Thursday is my only day off this week . Haven't missed much and it was flat today.

Settled in after your long holiday mate?

Yes Mac I'm back at work . Had an incredible run of good weather and surfing pretty much every day for most of it then we got that really bad weather that came down from QLD. Had a good trip out west as well. 9 weeks a good break.

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
19 Jul 2016 7:39PM
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smh said..
Thursday is my only day off this week . Haven't missed much and it was flat today.

Not very often it's flat down there mate

NSW, 7269 posts
19 Jul 2016 7:52PM
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Al G said..

smh said..
Thursday is my only day off this week . Haven't missed much and it was flat today.

Not very often it's flat down there mate

I was very close to being flat here Al . It glassed right off around lunch time and stayed that way. Warm weather too over the last few days but some horrible south west winds for the weekend. I'll be working but should get waves all next week. Banks haven't been much good either

WA, 883 posts
19 Jul 2016 8:10PM
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Rocked up to an Epic bank we've enjoyed lately only to be disappointed with too much swell :( hopefully it doesn't destroy what has been an epic left??? Will see in the morning.

QLD, 3570 posts
20 Jul 2016 4:14PM
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winters taking a few days off... 28 deg Friday.... choice days and a few waist /chest high peaks on offer at BB , some one surfing a Ray Cleave Mctav made wave riding look easy ... maybe I need one...!

NSW, 7269 posts
23 Jul 2016 6:39PM
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Got one more dayshift tomorrow and Ill be into it. I heard the swell is supposed to pick up and the weather is looking good during the week. I'm hoping I might score that little bank I surfed last week again.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Jul 2016 8:50PM
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Really cold here today. I could have driven an hour for some waves but I think it would have been unruly. It's been sleeting / hail here with 30 knot plus winds all day. Ahhh. We decided to spend the day in doors making cheese with some fresh milk we picked up straight from the cows at just after 6:30am when it was really cold. Ummmm

QLD, 21947 posts
24 Jul 2016 7:28AM
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So really nice little sliders at snapper now, some of those 666 boys look like they are having an event with a beach start at rainbow.

QLD, 21947 posts
24 Jul 2016 10:00AM
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Small but I really enjoyed the 3 hour hit out a couple of good ones managed to snag a good one with Jackson from the piont to the beach


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo