So being out of work has given me a little time to shape up a few boards for myself and mates.
This is a tomo nano inspired one i finished yesterday.
The MDF template i knocked up.
The outline cut into the blank
Deck 90% finished
The foil
more rails
Finished!! I now have a 5'9x20"x 2 3/4"
And over the last couple weeks with a lot of interuptions i shaped this one up
The finished 6'3x21"x 2 3/4" diamond tail for Steve
Anyone else made anything fun lately???
Nice work on the Nano - I would not mind doing on of those myself. Need to find one to play with first though
Do you glass them yrself?
Hi Ted. Yes I will glass them myself too. Only got a single car garage so the shaping bay is also my glassine and sanding bay. So this time I'm doing a mini production run to reduce the number of times I have to clean up.
I've now of 3 boards ready to glass. (Just finished one then and will post pics soon)
Got 2 more to go unless I get any more orders.
One will be a 7'8 mini mal and the other. A 6'9 single prolly channel bottom but not decided just yet.
Thanks for the kind words Darth! That bord just seamed to fit perfectly into that blank and made it so easy to shape!! It looks like it needs a single fin box in it
Hi Bertie,
Can I trouble you for a few more dimensions on the Nano
Nose/tail width at 12" and rocker front/back. any funky concaves/hull in the bottom? and what blank did you use. A nanos on my build list, not sure if I am going to go vaccum bagged epoxy over EPS or epoxy over standard blank. (i have a few litres of epoxy to use up.
Hey Shunter
I used a burford 6'4 EN blank. but i didnt quite get the full amount of rocker into it.
The board was supposed to be :
5'9 x 19 3/4 x 2 5/8. Nose at 12" 15 3/8" tail 15 1/4". Nose rocker is 3 15/16" and tail is 2 1/8".
Wide point is 4" forward of center and tail block (ie before rounding) was 10" or maybe slightly more.
ended up more like 5'9x20x2 3/4. Nose rocker ended up as about 3 3/4" tail about 2".
I ran single concave all the way through, with max depth at about the apex of the rocker which lined up almost with the wide point. concave about 4mm max i think. rocker values are after concave cut.
Hey Bertie,
You have obviously been mucking around with the lighting to get it just so, it shows you shapes really well in the pictures.
Does this help with your shaping, can you see the shade as well as it comes up in your photos?
yes shoodbegood it is all about the lights! i'd never be close to symetrical without them!!!
Been doing more recently!
my 6'9 6 channel single
Kims 6'3x21.5x3"
Miks 7'5x22x3"
Today I'll begin cleaning the shed up and start glassing the 6 boards I've got lined up and waiting!!!