Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Big guy groveler/baked potato sizing?

Created by Shredsled94 > 9 months ago, 5 Oct 2019
WA, 15 posts
5 Oct 2019 10:43AM
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Hi everyone,
Finding it quite hard to find big guy advice on grovelers in general. Any fellow big guys out there riding a baked or groveler?

I'm looking at ordering a baked potato and I'm torn between the 5'11 47.3L and 6'1 50.9L. I am 6'6 and 104kg mid intermediate. I'm leaning towards the 6'1 given my height and to catch more waves. Surely theres not too much in performance between the two?

Would be pairing it with a 6'6 44Lish shorty. Also wondering about a 6'5 Chumlee, or 6'4 puddle jumper/puddle fish. I have heard the baked potatoes are faster and still turn well.

Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated.

WA, 934 posts
5 Oct 2019 12:07PM
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I have a BP copy 5'7 x 22 x 23/8...39L. I'm 6'3 and 92kgs. It goes unreal for me...catches anything, turns and slides, drive and speed...can surf it in anything from knee to head n a bit.

WA, 15 posts
5 Oct 2019 12:30PM
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Cheers Mocha,

Sweet looking board! Sounds like that would be fairly comparable to me on a 5'11 baked. Making my decision tougher haha!

2224 posts
5 Oct 2019 8:04PM
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Go the 6,1 at 50 litres especially if your performance boards are around 43-46
the 5,11 will still be sick as just you won't see much benefit in grovelling on it, they are a bit wider so do glide across the dead sections but without much extra litreage will only be a fraction easier to catch waves on.
the 6,1 at 50 litres will hold its own in head and a half waves too as long as they aren't slabs and paddling against a bit of sweep will be a breeze with an extra 7,8 litres of foam as compared to 3-5...

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
5 Oct 2019 8:45PM
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Shhhhhhhh, you guys have said too much!

WA, 8 posts
8 Oct 2019 3:23PM
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What's a good rule of thumb re the increase in volume from a shortboard to a groveller?

My usual shortboard is a 5'8" around the 28 liter mark. Looking to get a little 5'3" Kelvinator at around 32.5 litres for summer slop.

Does this sound about right?


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Big guy groveler/baked potato sizing?" started by Shredsled94