Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Can JS epoxy HYFI boards be repaired if creased?

Created by belldiver > 9 months ago, 24 Mar 2021
QLD, 171 posts
24 Mar 2021 5:35PM
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Creased my beloved Hyfi blakbox 3 deck today.

Is it worth repairing or is all the strength gone now??
Bottom looks fine but its rail to rail on the deck.

WA, 1404 posts
24 Mar 2021 4:40PM
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What happened ? Much force on it or dodgy build?

QLD, 171 posts
24 Mar 2021 6:53PM
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Ctngoodvibes said..
What happened ? Much force on it or dodgy build?

Decent bit of swell today, caught a nice one and ate it mid reo, but I don't think that damaged it. It was dredging onto a sandbank.
Paddling back out copped a decent one on the head, but really didn't feel the lip landed on me, judged it should of landed a foot in front of me....... maybe it pitched a bit more???? but it ripped me on my board in a millisec really violently never really had that before in 35 years of surfing, and sufing bigger days than this?
jumbed back on paddling out and felt the fibers on the rail chewing into my arm from the crease.......

WA, 2355 posts
24 Mar 2021 7:36PM
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Buy a new one. Sorry.

WA, 585 posts
24 Mar 2021 8:26PM
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What size is the board and is it EPS or PU?

WA, 902 posts
24 Mar 2021 8:40PM
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Looks toasted mate

QLD, 171 posts
25 Mar 2021 8:01AM
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IFocus said..
What size is the board and is it EPS or PU?

All Hyfi are EPS and its 5'10

WA, 585 posts
25 Mar 2021 8:13PM
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belldiver said..

IFocus said..
What size is the board and is it EPS or PU?

All Hyfi are EPS and its 5'10

Bummer, throw away for you I would think.

If you were in Bali the boys do outstanding job sticking them back together at an affordable price.

If it was bigger I would have a go putting a Paulownia skin on (my next project after working through the wife's list) easer with a normal blank but can be done with a broken board. Not economical over all or good for performance but just a hobby thing.

Still nothing like a new board for froth.

WA, 1259 posts
25 Mar 2021 9:19PM
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Had a similar crease on a board when in Bali, the guys patched it up and it was sweet for the small waves on the rest of that trip.

2nd wave back home in a decent swell and it snapped in that spot, may have just become a weak spot after the fix, I was spewing as I missed a good session that day.

32 posts
26 Mar 2021 6:06PM
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Did a very similar thing with a Hyfi Black Box 2. 5'10

Duck diving at Perth Beach break. Copped in on the back/ head. Super heavy. Creased.

I got it fixed - and it still went well to be honest.

About 6 months later - same thing. Snapped in the exact same spot.

Don't trust JS HyFi build quality. Although I have only had 2.

Been back on the PU for a while.

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
26 Mar 2021 7:53PM
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The PU?! NOoooooooooooooooooooooooo


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Can JS epoxy HYFI boards be repaired if creased?" started by belldiver