Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Delam blister repair

Created by Nixtone > 9 months ago, 16 Jan 2022
2 posts
16 Jan 2022 2:38PM
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Hi guys
So my barely used Longboard developed a nasty blister on the left bottom front. Not sure if heat or microleak to blame.

I saw a pretty good YouTuber showing how to cut out the skin and reattach it minus the bubble. I would otherwise have been tempted to drill and fill as I've done on smaller delams before.

The skin came off dragging loose divots of EPS with it, so I did a couple of back fills with epoxy and microspheres. Still, between the variable EPS surface and some severe backyard clamping, the join lines are pretty rough and out of whack depth wise.

I've given up on trying to make the repair invisible but am not sure about next steps. I thought using some red peel ply I have to create something like a flame design to partly camouflage the obvious join.

So I'd epoxy this on, then a layer of fibreglass cloth, then a top/hotcoat. I wondered if the rayon peel ply would bond well enough, as well as levelling out the couple of mms difference in join levels. Obviously don't want to create an unevenly overweight log.

Bit of a niche issue, but wondered if anyone had advice?

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
16 Jan 2022 6:01PM
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I'm having a bit of a tough time imagining your delam, but I would cut out loose glass, and fill with patches that will inevitably overlap the remaining foam, sand back and extreme nastiness before it sets proper, and repatch till you've got it to the right level.
Or not cut but drill and syringe a fresh mix in there.

2 posts
16 Jan 2022 8:05PM
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Thanks. I'm "not qualified" to post pix yet, though I was a member a while back. In retrospect, I would have drilled and filled, but I went for the lost shot to try and render the log more resalable. Appreciate your reply.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Delam blister repair" started by Nixtone