Was sorting through some old SD cards and came across some footage from early last year of a not so secret spot. Also stopped at Yallingup on the way back, will post later, subject to popular demand lol. Enjoy
Buddy at 4:30 would be devo he check turned instead of pump and high line into that next running keg. was probably still stoked on the first section but!!
old mate on the last wave giving it a nudge too - those ones are heavvvvvvy
post away DSB!
Has anyone scored much down south this year? I went down a week ago and scored some fun uncrowded waves at a fun left. I think I got a bit lucky with the timing though , went out just as the morning frothers had come in. Swell was a bit bigger than expected was supposed to be 2 meters but felt a bit bigger
Vid shows how difficult north point is . more than a few out run by the wave
so fun tho in that sling shot end section