Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Foamy Repair

Created by photosbykarlo > 9 months ago, 4 Apr 2021
236 posts
4 Apr 2021 8:54AM
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I kinda already know the answer, but is this repairable, the owner didn't realise that the car was smaller than the board when they put it in and left it over night.

I told them to turn it into a 6" rather than a 6'6", but that was met with silence.

Its a Chop Stick foamy.


P co
WA, 458 posts
4 Apr 2021 11:28AM
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I'd say not repairable but you could play around with a hair dryer to soften and expand things and see what happens.

WA, 2520 posts
4 Apr 2021 11:46AM
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P co said..
I'd say not repairable but you could play around with a hair dryer to soften and expand things and see what happens.

...or leave it in the sun for a few hours... once you get it to 'pop out' dunk or spray it in some cold water to reset the shape.

3939 posts
5 Apr 2021 1:28AM
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If it don't leak, it's fine.

236 posts
5 Apr 2021 5:09AM
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thanks,that was my first thought to apply heat, but I wasn't sure if the glue would still hold

84 posts
5 Apr 2021 6:14PM
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Foamies are supposed to be abused - if it's not taking on water, it's not an issue.

2224 posts
6 Apr 2021 7:05PM
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Ride it like that at least it fits in the car now.

hair dryer on it may pop it out but be careful as you don't want to overheat it or cause bubbles

its harder to repair foamies than glass when they crease as rigidity in area of crease cannot be returned to normal without doing a full cut/join and shut... not really worth the cost or effort to be honest

236 posts
7 Apr 2021 5:46AM
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No worries, thanks.

Lucky it's not mine, but the owner was gutted first board and all.

But as they say the first scratch is always the hardest.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Foamy Repair" started by photosbykarlo