Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Gnarabup Hotel Resort Complex

Created by JESUSGUS > 9 months ago, 9 Aug 2020
WA, 169 posts
9 Aug 2020 8:33AM
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Looks like the local crew down the coast have got a fight on their hands if they are going to try to stop the new resort proposal.

P co
WA, 458 posts
9 Aug 2020 8:52AM
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Oh well, less looks in our valley then.

WA, 169 posts
9 Aug 2020 11:43AM
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I think our valley is choca block full of cooks and every other level and kind of surfer. I get your drift but.

With the expectation that this project has the nod i'm wondering where the development of that part of the coast will stop. It would not surprise me if in the years to come we see further development into the Boranup Forrest.

WA, 1404 posts
10 Aug 2020 6:59AM
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Got me laughing that the locals are protesting when they all live in similar monstrosities of their own in Gnarabup. Don't want their view obstructed?

The real offence is the poo farm to the south right on the beach

how that ever got approved is beyond me, but I guess it was the 90s

WA, 883 posts
12 Aug 2020 10:48AM
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took a bloody long time to get approval for gnarabup development
lots of protests etc back in the day
but developers got on the council.......

agree, kooks everywhere, sadly I have become one as well slow progression from average to below average to kook.

WA, 902 posts
17 Sep 2020 8:09PM
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I agree with ya there Jesus.

More than likely it will be the start of the spread. Good or bad not sure.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Gnarabup Hotel Resort Complex" started by JESUSGUS