Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Has anyone used soft roof racks for their surfboard.?

Created by louis20 > 9 months ago, 25 Sep 2020
NSW, 8 posts
25 Sep 2020 1:15PM
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Just wanting some advice in soft roof racks. Can't get roof racks to fit my car. Any pros and cons on soft roof racks, any tips.

Do I need to take them off when I get to the beach and put them back on before I leave. Are they easy to steal. Thanks.

WA, 1262 posts
25 Sep 2020 12:03PM
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If you have no other option soft racks will do, there are ones I think you can leave on and put straps through.

Not good for your door seals and prob easy to steal.

10980 posts
25 Sep 2020 1:51PM
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They are great for the odd occasion when you don't have racks or can't fit a board in, wouldn't want to leave them on all the time they can rub in spots and mark your car.

As for stealing them, youd have to cut them and that would ruin them so not much point in knocking off a set.

Buy good quality like FCS ones and you should have nobproblems. I have stacked 3 longboard and drove 120km/h with no probs, just check they are tight every now and then.

84 posts
26 Sep 2020 7:33AM
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They work fine for an occasional trip, make sure you twist the straps a bit (it'll stop them slapping in the wind).

TAS, 1108 posts
26 Sep 2020 1:12PM
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As the others have said, good for the odd occasion, but not all the time and if it's raining they act as a wick and you end up with wet seats.

QLD, 391 posts
26 Sep 2020 1:45PM
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Yep, if you use them for a prolonged time they will soften the roof of the car. You can add an additional strap on the front to stop it lifting and putting pressure on the roof.
If it's a hire car...........doesn't matter


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Has anyone used soft roof racks for their surfboard.?" started by louis20