Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Keahi de Aboitiz - Tunnel Vision Movie Live!

Created by Keahi > 9 months ago, 24 Jun 2020
QLD, 851 posts
24 Jun 2020 5:25PM
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Hey guys,

First time posting in the surfing forum and already shared this on the other side, but in case any of you don't venture over that way, I thought you might like to check it out as there's plenty of surfing in here too

My latest project Tunnel Vision just went live earlier today and features what I've been up over over the last couple years after leaving the kitesurfing tour. Growing up as a surfer, I've always felt that kitesurfing is the perfect extension of surfing and wanted to create something that showcased just that. For me, my kite has become a tool that turns those windy sessions into a whole new world of fun. Tunnel Vision is an action heavy film that highlights my love for barrels and shows the similarities between sports that I have grown to love.

Hope you enjoy the film!

8266 posts
24 Jun 2020 4:04PM
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Nice vid...watched Kai's video this morning getting towed by a kite on his foil which was new to me

QLD, 851 posts
26 Jun 2020 9:18AM
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MickPC said..
Nice vid...watched Kai's video this morning getting towed by a kite on his foil which was new to me

Thanks mate. Stoked you liked it. Definitely some crazy potential for towing in with a kite. Have done it a few times with some friends and it works really good at some of the heavier waves. You might enjoy this one from Skeleton Bay too if you want to check it out. Really want to try this on some of the heavier ones too if I ever get back as you could whip guys into the unpaddleable ones


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Keahi de Aboitiz - Tunnel Vision Movie Live!" started by Keahi