Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Kid's first shortboard

Created by DHUPEDNORTH1 > 9 months ago, 21 Feb 2020
111 posts
21 Feb 2020 10:23AM
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Hi looking for recommendations from the experienced shortboarders/teachers on here.

I've always been on longboards and now longsups (no, not in the middle of your breaks, well away from you with other old ex-surfers with damaged bodies that still want to enjoy the stoke; btw that will be you one day regardless of your protestations, see you out there) but the kid (14) wants to take up surfing with the school program which is limited to short boards and my knowledge on what would be suitable for him is limited.

He's just over 60kg but will be mainly surfing Perth so small close outs generally, i.e. something to get up quick for those 5 second breaks. He has been on various longboards of mine and plays water polo so probably a bit ahead of a beginner and can paddle stronger than most.

Would appreciate any recommendations?

752 posts
21 Feb 2020 10:36AM
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I'd recommend a soft board.
A 6'0 soft board should carry enough volume.
If your starting in backwash closeouts your less likely to get hurt as he will make contact with the board and the likelihood of snapping a fibreglass board is high for a learner
Jump on gumtree or Facebook market place
On a side note. Don't be scared to buy secondhand from over east and have the board shipped over.
Couriers are really really cheap and you save hundreds of dollars as the prices people want for secondhand boards in Perth are crazy

111 posts
21 Feb 2020 11:59AM
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thx. something like

752 posts
21 Feb 2020 7:22PM
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You should be able to find something for half the price.

Buster fin
WA, 2585 posts
21 Feb 2020 7:25PM
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That looks like mad fun for me and suitable for your purposes too. Check stock at Crime Converters too. Their cr@p doesnt turn over so low ball 'em

NSW, 74 posts
24 Feb 2020 8:51PM
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is there a local boardriders club near you? may be a good place to source advice and/or boards.

111 posts
25 Feb 2020 9:23AM
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skeghedd said..
is there a local boardriders club near you? may be a good place to source advice and/or boards.

thx. On the weekend I went down to the local long running surf shop owned by a bloke who has surfed for decades and been in the industry almost that long. He was really helpful in showing what might be appropriate at different price points, soft and PU, 2nd hand and new.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Kid's first shortboard" started by DHUPEDNORTH1