Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 589 posts
17 Apr 2014 12:55PM
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I think Mocha's been drinking.

There are NO waves forecast for this weekend, all the cams and buoys are broken.

I think everyone should take advantage of this warm autumn weather and go for a few rounds of golf!

WA, 6913 posts
17 Apr 2014 2:22PM
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mocha1 said..

Yeeeeeewwwwwwww waves today . Not so secret SPOT nth of Perth, 40 stretched out between Na..s, midd-- and the main break.......good fun odd bomby good shape YEWWWWWWWW

Yep it was fun. The crowd was so spread out for once..

WA, 1262 posts
17 Apr 2014 3:59PM
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Jealous JB & Mocha!

Love it when the crowds stick to the peaks on both sides and you can get ones in the middle almost all to yourself.

Not as consistent but can get some real bombs without the hassle!

WA, 322 posts
17 Apr 2014 5:49PM
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mocha1 said..

Yeeeeeewwwwwwww waves today . Not so secret SPOT nth of Perth, 40 stretched out between Na..s, midd-- and the main break.......good fun odd bomby good shape YEWWWWWWWW

40 crew out on a weekday... Imagine the weekend.. makes you think about moving.. or having an overseas holiday..

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LateStarter said..

I think Mocha's been drinking.

There are NO waves forecast for this weekend, all the cams and buoys are broken.

I think everyone should take advantage of this warm autumn weather and go for a few rounds of golf!

Correct,,,, totally agree.,,,, it's obvious,,,

WA, 2520 posts
17 Apr 2014 7:22PM
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Tomorrow will be a circus where ever you go...

WA, 6913 posts
17 Apr 2014 7:51PM
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GPA said..

Tomorrow will be a circus where ever you go...

Yeah so after a week on it, i'll sleep in for once

It would be nice to see a few more reports..Seems hardly anyone actually surfs on SB or if they do, there are not interested in sharing the stoke

WA, 934 posts
17 Apr 2014 9:13PM
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quirkus said..

mocha1 said..

Yeeeeeewwwwwwww waves today . Not so secret SPOT nth of Perth, 40 stretched out between Na..s, midd-- and the main break.......good fun odd bomby good shape YEWWWWWWWW

40 crew out on a weekday... Imagine the weekend.. makes you think about moving.. or having an overseas holiday..

LateStarter said..

I think Mocha's been drinking.

There are NO waves forecast for this weekend, all the cams and buoys are broken.

I think everyone should take advantage of this warm autumn weather and go for a few rounds of golf!

Correct,,,, totally agree.,,,, it's obvious,,,

Mmmmmmmm I have been enjoying a drop or two being on holidays

You all missed it today because tomoro is flat onshore and crappy crappy.....I will be in traffic with everybody in the state heading south......!!!!!

WA, 934 posts
17 Apr 2014 9:14PM
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jbshack said..

GPA said..

Tomorrow will be a circus where ever you go...

Yeah so after a week on it, i'll sleep in for once

It would be nice to see a few more reports..Seems hardly anyone actually surfs on SB or if they do, there are not interested in sharing the stoke

It's because of all the secret spots in the metro area JB

WA, 7608 posts
18 Apr 2014 11:23AM
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Do all you Metros have boards bigger than 6'3?
There's nothing to see or do down south.
The truth hurts

WA, 322 posts
18 Apr 2014 2:28PM
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ASP,,, I'm trying to think of something nice to say..

... ok,,, I had a great session at that other secret spot south of the river a way. Fat, deep and only thirty crew.... Once the numbers dwindled and it cleaned up a bit,,, was so much fun... Heaven to get back in the water again , even if my fitness is 2/10.

Hang on ,, back to ASP,
4 posts, and you're flogging a mates video,,, on Legions surf report ?

Not exactly social forum etiquette ,,, (not that this forum abounds in that )..

You probably should try and lurk a little,,, get the gist of the forum (if there is one,,,, you know,,, learn who to pick on, and who not to)
pretend you're interested in a few threads..... then hey presto --- drop the vid..

WA, 397 posts
18 Apr 2014 2:43PM
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Got a bag full of fun ones before the crowd got too ridiculous this morning. Certainly nothing like whats going on down south but a good way to start the long weekend nonetheless. I reckon the local ding repairers will be working overtime next week.

WA, 2520 posts
18 Apr 2014 3:02PM
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Acknowledging that my fitness is sh!t at the moment I hit up a Northern novelty wave for the lunchtime shift. Surprised how much fun it was... got a few clean shoulder high waves that held up - and only another half dozen out.

Was good to see First Reef and Waterman's Bay working again... only 400 people out enjoying the waves!

matty l
WA, 52 posts
18 Apr 2014 6:53PM
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Hope everyone got a few today!! I lasted two waves, on the second one somehow got pitched on to my board fins up! Ouch, three stitches in the ass cheek and a fu<<ed board!! Happy days....

236 posts
18 Apr 2014 8:04PM
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I'll second that

WA, 322 posts
18 Apr 2014 8:27PM
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oooo Matty nasty....
The last one is a classic Karlo.... You gotta get some prizes somewhere for that!!

147 posts
18 Apr 2014 9:05PM
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WA, 6913 posts
18 Apr 2014 9:29PM
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A few great picks. Thanks for that. Matt that first shot is a corker, sorry to here about the arse. Karlo wins though for photo of the day. Grevas i hope you got home with your boat in tack, i heard about a offshore spot that had at least three boats swamped..

Not sure if anyone else saw these.

WA, 147 posts
18 Apr 2014 9:31PM
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Wall to wall people at Perths second favourite beachie, but noticed quite a few of the good sizier ones were being missed by the crew (after 8 people would paddle for it, then all miss it). Then there was the fella surfing a mal with out a leash, that would eat it most waves and send it flying through the crowd to the beach.

WA, 1404 posts
20 Apr 2014 7:56PM
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84 posts
20 Apr 2014 11:30PM
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Staying in Canggu for two weeks - smallest it has been is 2-3ft wedges, today was maxing out - Some waves coming through at Ulus that I'd conservatively call 8ft+... I watched from the safety of the cliffs haha!

This is a photo I took from the monkey temple - just to give a gauge of size (this was an average wave, sets were bigger). First time down to the Bukit, so I have no yard stick for judging size. Decent surges pushing up through the paddle out cave as well...



WA, 397 posts
21 Apr 2014 9:00AM
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What a run of waves last week. I'm guessing everyone got there fair share as the numbers were getting smaller in the water (at least where I was surfing) every day. Scored a pumping left hander south of Perth with one other guy to top it all off yesterday.

NSW, 305 posts
21 Apr 2014 1:20PM
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My beach doing an impression of Pipe

WA, 6913 posts
21 Apr 2014 12:24PM
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mitchbat said..

What a run of waves last week. I'm guessing everyone got there fair share as the numbers were getting smaller in the water (at least where I was surfing) every day. Scored a pumping left hander south of Perth with one other guy to top it all off yesterday.

I'd say they were all out were i went today..Only managed a few waves in my own

WA, 17 posts
21 Apr 2014 4:38PM
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footage from friday a mate took, he's got a heap more but it hasn't been uploaded any where

WA, 37 posts
21 Apr 2014 5:10PM
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Meanwhile, also Friday.

WA, 2520 posts
22 Apr 2014 12:18PM
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After checking Trigg 2nds and seeing it was a very inconsistent waist high I opted for Metts rights on the LB. Was about should high and perfect glass with a sweet take-off, but the tide was a touch off and the wave got too full after 10-15m past take-off. Went and sat deeper across the rocks for a short while, but the bigger ones would just close out 4/10.

WA, 6913 posts
22 Apr 2014 2:41PM
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From Face book..
Mark Visser
Liked · 1 hr

My mate @dingomorrison on a BOMB in west Oz over the weekend! stoked for ya mate:)

WA, 6913 posts
24 Apr 2014 2:53PM
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Surf was small this morning but i should have still given the reef/rock better respect. Managed to take one right on the arse/Coccyx and now have a spasming arse/tail bone

The old SB wind reports were well off from what they were reporting

WA, 1404 posts
24 Apr 2014 3:23PM
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As much as I support equality JB,,,I'd much prefer not to hear about you taking it up the arse

WA, 1262 posts
24 Apr 2014 4:37PM
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Do you need a donut JB


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie