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Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 644 posts
28 Apr 2015 3:43PM
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got up there early with the kids JB and they scored clean waist to shoulder high waves
I couldn't get in to it especially after solid perfect 6foot NZ slabs on Saturday feet still frozen yep back to reality!

WA, 6913 posts
28 Apr 2015 4:19PM
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katana said..
got up there early with the kids JB and they scored clean waist to shoulder high waves
I couldn't get in to it especially after solid perfect 6foot NZ slabs on Saturday feet still frozen yep back to reality!

Seriously i would have died for that, how early are you talking? We got their about 10 ish and although we were down a bit, this was a set wave

The most fun was seeing the young guys parade up and down being towed on a Wakeboard behind the car, especially when one poor fella lots his pants completely

Edit: Oops i just re read that and missed the THEY scored shoulder high.. How did Jake like his new board

WA, 644 posts
29 Apr 2015 8:43AM
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we were in the water by 7 jb no one out kids had fun although weird it only seem to be hitting the northern end
Jake loved his new 5'0 but I think I should have gone 5'4,i went low volume as he is learning to duck dive

WA, 2520 posts
30 Apr 2015 11:58AM
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Nice little kick in the swell - Northerly ruffling the top from 10:00am... TP and Smots the best of it. Metts fat despite the low tide.

WA, 2154 posts
1 May 2015 1:00PM
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Was looking good this morning then the wind killed it big time.
Disappointing and now have a new forehead shaped ding in my board.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
1 May 2015 7:25PM
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Yep, I got out there just in time for the ill wind, too. But it was good for emptying the line up.
Yay for getting wet

901 posts
1 May 2015 8:42PM
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Yes it was a good onshore session Buster and well worth the effort. I liked the way it was just getting bigger the longer we were out and that new board of yours was looking better the bigger it got.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
1 May 2015 9:07PM
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Yep, I'm looking forward to the call when it's bigger still. Cheers for that!

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
2 May 2015 9:12PM
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Did no one surf today?

I mean, everyone! How packed was everywhere??
Plenty of carnage to be sure.

WA, 6913 posts
3 May 2015 12:11PM
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4 guys out and two went in, then 3 came out and one snapped a board, the numbers were staking in our favour until a fire at spot sent everyone to our beach. The pushing and joycling started coming down the stares Then it was all of a sudden very crowded. But i had already had my fill so still happy

2224 posts
3 May 2015 5:17PM
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lbb yesterday not bad...maldives in 6 sleeps better than christmas

VIC, 942 posts
3 May 2015 7:46PM
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Buster fin said..
Worst summer ever?

Definitely was a crap summer... Until a Low pressure system lunches over SEDLD/ NSW delivery huge clean waves.. life is looking up

WA, 2154 posts
4 May 2015 10:27AM
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Snapped another one. Was lumpy but some great waves to be had. Managed a few to myself before this happened.

WA, 397 posts
4 May 2015 11:01AM
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^^ Bad judgement after half a bottle of Captain Morgan's for breakfast?

WA, 589 posts
4 May 2015 11:11AM
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subasurf said..
Snapped another one. Was lumpy but some great waves to be had. Managed a few to myself before this happened.

I've snapped 2 JS boards in the last year - both straight across the middle like yours.

Suspect glassing or just coincidence?

WA, 2154 posts
4 May 2015 11:26AM
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That's disconcerting :-/
Mine had a small delamination bubble along the line where it cracked, so I guess I was always on borrowed time.

But yeah, glass is very thin. But God, the board rode well. 5'8" and super responsive. Second board in a year :-(

As for the rum...there's also a carton of beer under the diving gear hahaha...but I don't actually drink ;-)

WA, 1347 posts
4 May 2015 11:38AM
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subasurf said..
As for the rum...there's also a carton of beer under the diving gear hahaha...but I don't actually drink ;-)

Soooo you just keep it there so you can offer your mates a nice warm beer after a surf/dive?

WA, 2154 posts
4 May 2015 1:35PM
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I work at sea a few times a if the boat ever runs out of beer I've got a carton ready to go ;-)
It's emu, so I'm happy to give it away ;-)

Also always keep beers in the car for when we prawn trawl the river (research).

WA, 1404 posts
4 May 2015 5:54PM
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Ah JS...can't get over how badly they are glassed .. As week as piss. Nice shapes though.

901 posts
4 May 2015 6:01PM
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I saw one out at Smots and one at Metts this morning but both had wetties on so you must have been somewhere else Suba.

WA, 2154 posts
4 May 2015 6:16PM
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Get with the times Zuke, it's been established that I've gotten soft in the past 2 years and now surf in a 2mm springy chest zip

901 posts
4 May 2015 6:28PM
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But really, another board? I don't know anyone who goes through boards like you.

WA, 2154 posts
4 May 2015 6:44PM
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Yep another board.
I don't ditch my boards and I try to look after them...but I am in the water more than most people I know and given I was the only one in the water where I was this morning I probably get more stormy dredging waves than many people....and it took one trip over the falls today to end in disappointment.

Bad timing...was only in for 30 minutes before it happened and I've only got a gun and an old Len Dibben single fin left...looks like I'll be taking photos tomorrow.

2224 posts
11 May 2015 2:56AM
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Maldives update, got here Friday evening, Saturday was easy double head at pasta sultans wind bit strong got a couple epic waves and epic pumpings. Today was less wind and clean good head and a half two surfs one at pasta one at sultans. Sultans was a barrel fest sultans is epic.
Photos will be posted when I can

WA, 9675 posts
11 May 2015 6:43AM
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Razzonater said..
Maldives update, got here Friday evening, Saturday was easy double head at pasta sultans wind bit strong got a couple epic waves and epic pumpings. Today was less wind and clean good head and a half two surfs one at pasta one at sultans. Sultans was a barrel fest sultans is epic.
Photos will be posted when I can

looking forward to them pics you lucky bastard

Salty Sea Dog
VIC, 346 posts
11 May 2015 5:26PM
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Razzonater said..
Maldives update, got here Friday evening, Saturday was easy double head at pasta sultans wind bit strong got a couple epic waves and epic pumpings. Today was less wind and clean good head and a half two surfs one at pasta one at sultans. Sultans was a barrel fest sultans is epic.
Photos will be posted when I can

2224 posts
11 May 2015 4:08PM
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2224 posts
11 May 2015 4:10PM
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2224 posts
11 May 2015 4:16PM
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The last pics are of today it's clean and big it's dropped a bit since yesterday but it's still solid head and half double head

WA, 543 posts
11 May 2015 5:17PM
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Hey Razz,
Two empty waves at Pasta?, and an empty deck, what is going on??... That looks too good to be true!
have fun..


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie