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Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 6913 posts
24 Oct 2014 2:05PM
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markjohnson5652 said..
Surfed the Alana Mona Bowl was head to shoulder high today, sick surf

That spot is sick as. A few weeks back it was up over head high and absolute cranking, but a fare crowd that didn't seem to mind party waves. A few locals blamed the tourists

2224 posts
26 Oct 2014 10:26PM
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Tomorrow is last day in mentawai, I'm sore surfed out and bllissed out. Ill put some pics up when I'm home. We surfed 10 different wAves. One more tomoz than back to padang. Good waves ....

WA, 2503 posts
28 Oct 2014 12:17PM
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Some fun little river mouth peaks in Bali this morning, 2-3ft glassy ramps and runners. Want to hit it again but I'm caned.

2224 posts
31 Oct 2014 3:08PM
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Back from mentawai surfed every day. Magic trip, crew at pitstops are good people and run a tight ship.

WA, 2503 posts
31 Oct 2014 9:39PM
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Fun waves all day today, 4hours on the early and 2 more for the lago. Jelly arms, need a massage.

WA, 2520 posts
1 Nov 2014 11:42AM
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[Groans] - summer seems to be here early... just woeful. Junior comps and surf schools everywhere... not to mention the 200m straight hander coming off Trigg 3rds... even the northern reefs are below average today.

Off to the pool to swim some laps to keep the shoulders moving...

WA, 2503 posts
1 Nov 2014 1:15PM
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Pumping here, so glassy. Just had a little kip after the early and off to do it again now.

WA, 270 posts
1 Nov 2014 7:24PM
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GPA said..
[Groans] - summer seems to be here early... just woeful. Junior comps and surf schools everywhere... not to mention the 200m straight hander coming off Trigg 3rds... even the northern reefs are below average today.

Off to the pool to swim some laps to keep the shoulders moving...

sounded like it was shoulder to shoulder on the coast today as well.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
1 Nov 2014 10:23PM
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GPA said..
[Groans] - summer seems to be here early... just woeful. Junior comps and surf schools everywhere... not to mention the 200m straight hander coming off Trigg 3rds... even the northern reefs are below average today.

Off to the pool to swim some laps to keep the shoulders moving...

It's a truly sad time of year...

WA, 2503 posts
2 Nov 2014 6:40AM
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Groundhog Day.....

WA, 1404 posts
2 Nov 2014 7:25AM
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Same here too
Oh sorry you meant in a good way

WA, 2503 posts
2 Nov 2014 9:33AM
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The left was starting to barrel this morning, just had my arse absolutely caned. Climbing up the leggy sorta caning.

901 posts
2 Nov 2014 9:37AM
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^^^^^ Pics?

WA, 2503 posts
2 Nov 2014 9:49AM
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Can't be arsed, I'm back in bed now.

2224 posts
2 Nov 2014 4:49PM
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smicko said...
Can't be arsed, I'm back in bed now.

Smicko where are you? Please I need pics I'm back in perth it's extra-ordinary here . It's also cold.

WA, 2503 posts
2 Nov 2014 6:16PM
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Just in Bali Razz, it wasn't even that big, maybe 4ft. I just kooked the take off trying to get shacked and got stuck in a wash cycle for 30 odd meters. I've got a few pics on my slr from the other day that I'll put up when I get back.

NSW, 2707 posts
2 Nov 2014 11:32PM
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Ok, quick NSW pictorial wrap-up of the weekend. Way better than words.

Yesterday, nice offshore breeze and a good bank made for some clean, punchy beachies:

Today, not as nice with a crumbly onshore wrecking it. SUPS had fun though:


Froth on...

2224 posts
3 Nov 2014 10:53AM
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smicko said...
Just in Bali Razz, it wasn't even that big, maybe 4ft. I just kooked the take off trying to get shacked and got stuck in a wash cycle for 30 odd meters. I've got a few pics on my slr from the other day that I'll put up when I get back.

Sounds like your getting waves which is always a win enjoy the rest of your time.

WA, 2503 posts
3 Nov 2014 4:43PM
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This morning was really fun, Macca's was $hite but HJ's was lining up really well, 2-3ft glassy bowls and ramps. Crowd gotta bit outa control with the Russian surf school throwing their mals at every opportunity, at least the girls had nice bums. Although it's a bit of a prick to duck dive with your mouth agape. One more early then back to the real world.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
4 Nov 2014 6:05AM
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smicko said..
One more early then back to the real world.

Oh? you're not heading back to Perth then...?

2224 posts
4 Nov 2014 8:49AM
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Buster fin said...
smicko said..
One more early then back to the real world.

Oh? you're not heading back to Perth then...?


WA, 2503 posts
7 Nov 2014 9:44PM
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WA, 2503 posts
7 Nov 2014 9:48PM
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WA, 2503 posts
7 Nov 2014 9:56PM
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WA, 2503 posts
8 Nov 2014 9:08AM
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2224 posts
8 Nov 2014 11:37AM
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Looks nice smicko, how were the crowds? From the pics it looks pretty empty.. Ahh good times

WA, 6913 posts
8 Nov 2014 1:07PM
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Smicko those waves looked lovely on the I phone, but on the computer the beach (Not the waves) is really disappointing..Is that a busy spot? or is it because of the river that the rubbish is so nasty? What is the water quality like

I got wet today, a bit disappointing to be back to hassling for small waves. SB predicted 2 mtr so i was expecting 12 foot bombs, but had to settle for yoda sized close outs

WA, 2503 posts
8 Nov 2014 2:23PM
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Crowds varied from empty to chocka block with numpty Euros chucking their board on anything over knee high. Waves ranged from chest to head and a half. Waves definitely aren't as good as they look here, well they are just not consistently and like lots of places in Indo, very tide dependent. You'll be surfing mush burgers (hence the nicknames Macca's and HJ's) for an hour or two and then it'll turn on for an hour and just smoke. The left was very hard to surf when it got hollow, you could shoulder hop but what's the point in that? Getting in behind the pit was tough. Right could get pretty perfect as you can see above but only for maybe an hour a day. My best wave of the trip was on the right, took off at the peak and pretty much got shacked for over a hundred meters.
As to the beach I reckon it was one of the cleanest I've seen in Bali, feckin hot sand though! The run back up the beach from the surf was hell!
Sunsets were epic, food was cheap and good. And NO hawkers!!

QLD, 87 posts
8 Nov 2014 5:59PM
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The waves look great but the beach looks like a tip site. Bali is great but unless something drastic changes to clean it up...the drive into Serengan, past the tip site...

WA, 397 posts
8 Nov 2014 5:28PM
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Stanos said...
The waves look great but the beach looks like a tip site. Bali is great but unless something drastic changes to clean it up...the drive into Serengan, past the tip site...

As far as this spot goes the beach is looking pretty clean. The water gets really polluted there at times
Your right about the lefthander smicko. Really good surfers make it look sick but it's hard to stay in the pocket. The right is way better anyway IMO


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie