I've been riding a 6'2 x 24 x 2 5/8 x 36.68L short board for about a year and am looking to get a smaller board with a bit less width and volume. Just looking for opinions on what dimensions I should go for. I'm 169cm and about 68kgs. My skill level is probably about intermediate, I can surf 6-8ft waves comfortably as well as do turns but can't seem to move my board enough to do sharp cutbacks. My only problem I find is duck diving big walls of white wash, not sure if this is a technique thing or my board has too much volume for me to get deep enough. Thanks!!
The width, thickness, and volume is hurting your duckdiving. With that board, almost a funboard for your weight, paddle around the whitewater and use paddling ease to get into position.
Length is fine, so maybe go 2.45" thick and a max of 20" width.
24" is super wide!!
look for something you can easily hold under your arm (as is just hold not a 17" needle). maybe 20.5"
don't go too short or thin.
i had a 6'2 JS blak box a few years ago. was able to help me improve my surfing immensely due to getting the volume right. I would have been 72-74 kgs at the time.
... I can surf 6-8ft waves comfortably ...
I think you need to recalibrate your gauge
I've been riding a 6'2 x 21 (my bad original post says 24 inch width) x 2 5/8 x 36.68L short board for about a year and am looking to get a smaller board with a bit less width and volume. Just looking for opinions on what dimensions I should go for. I'm 169cm and about 68kgs. My skill level is probably about intermediate, I can surf 6-8ft waves comfortably as well as do turns but can't seem to move my board enough to do sharp cutbacks. My only problem I find is duck diving big walls of white wash, not sure if this is a technique thing or my board has too much volume for me to get deep enough. Thanks!!
34 litres will be about the maximum you can churn out duck dives on.
27 litres is the absolute minimum you should be on.
So a board 32-34 litres would be good. Length and width forward = glide and paddle power.
Lots of 5'10" -ish options will hit that literage.