Forums > Surfing Shortboards

PU vs EPS Epoxy

Created by damogc > 9 months ago, 24 Jun 2020
QLD, 25 posts
24 Jun 2020 7:37AM
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I know its probably been done but I'll ask anyway........I have never gone down the EPS epoxy road but am interested in having a go...I was thinking of getting the same dims as my current twin to see how it goes.

Interested in all thoughts.

WA, 644 posts
24 Jun 2020 12:34PM
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there is so many constructions of EPS /epoxy boards they are all so different in flex and performance
im a huge fan of eps tech and R&D on them !!

WA, 585 posts
25 Jun 2020 11:41AM
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katana said..
there is so many constructions of EPS /epoxy boards they are all so different in flex and performance
im a huge fan of eps tech and R&D on them !!

As Dave said a lot of difference in construction = a big difference feel / performance., I ridden Firewires since inception, a number of true Pox's along with PU boards over the last 20 odd years and currently riding an EPS board Dave made / shaped for me which has been a source of great joy the board rips (note disclaimer big fan / supporter of Dave).

All the EPS ones using different construction methods have been quite different and would suggest trying to find some one who is using a broad made of the same method you might have in mind.

Some of the Pox boards feel wise IMHO were rubbish particualary over say 4 to 5ft but a lot of the others were quite good to excellent.

Dave is not plugging it but I will, he has just started using a new hi tech method for EPS that had me dibbling, thinking shapes, dreaming over it this week he also has a demo board or two to try out might be worth a look at (Katana Surf, 8/15 Carbon Ct, Osborne Park WA 6017).

The search is never ending good luck

QLD, 25 posts
29 Jun 2020 8:44AM
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Thanks for the info guys, I am east coast so cant get in there to try one out but could probably find somewhere over here that will let me play on one.

Balsaboards N.Z.
90 posts
30 Jun 2020 2:38PM
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katana said..
there is so many constructions of EPS /epoxy boards they are all so different in flex and performance
im a huge fan of eps tech and R&D on them !!

spot on

Balsaboards N.Z.
90 posts
30 Jun 2020 2:40PM
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damogc said..
Thanks for the info guys, I am east coast so cant get in there to try one out but could probably find somewhere over here that will let me play on one.

try a sunova, bert is the epoxy boss


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"PU vs EPS Epoxy" started by damogc