Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Screw Less Fin Future System

Created by WaveBreakerCo > 9 months ago, 11 May 2021
4 posts
11 May 2021 2:31AM
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Dear Surfer Community,

I have had very bad experience with getting back screws into my fin box to attach the fin to the board. Especially if you travel, this is a vary bad.

Do you guys have same experiences, that after several time the thread is worn out?

I have been thinking about building a screw less fin box suitable for future fins.

The question to you guys would be whether you would be interested in suing such a finsystem.

I would appreciate every kind of feedback, even if you think it is a xxxxx idea and I should use my time elsewhere :P

Thank you!

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
11 May 2021 7:57AM
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A tip to remember: if you don't take the grub screw completely out you won't cross thread it putting it back in. Simples.

8266 posts
11 May 2021 8:11AM
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I have one board with FCS2 but still whacked in some screws. I prefer a little more confidence of not losing a fin out of a set, it really sux when you do.

P co
WA, 458 posts
11 May 2021 10:09AM
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Initially I read that you wanted to sue the company because of the cross threading issues and I thought WTF! But I realise you meant using your screw-less fin system idea. ??

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
11 May 2021 1:04PM
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P Co, reread with dyslexia.

4 posts
12 May 2021 3:54AM
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Thanks for your reactions. Yes, Indeed Buster Fin I should have done that. But nevertheless, how many surfer actually do that?

And still what do you think of the Idea of not having only FCS2 as option for a screw less fin system but also a fin systems suitable for future fins without screws?

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
12 May 2021 4:49AM
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Personally I have no issues with the grub screws and only use fcs1, but sure, your idea sounds good. the best of luck to you.

8266 posts
12 May 2021 5:08PM
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+1 the screws don't bother me....But if you were able to develop a futures screwless system where the screwless finbox were compatible with existing futures fin sets I think it would be a good thing although I would not be interested in inserts or adapters.

WA, 2222 posts
13 May 2021 7:11PM
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You will struggle to compete with the big two box vendors. I used to use a fin system that was awesome but never got market share and died.

4 posts
13 May 2021 8:14PM
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Thank you guys for the inputs.

@ MickPC, yes indeed I thought of a new fin box that is suitable for the future fins. Probably it is even possible to upgrade current boards to the new version. I also need to agree with your comment on inserts or adapters, they are just annoying.

@ Legion, indeed the two big players are strong. However, I think if you try to get into the market you really need to differentiate your self. Out of this reason I thought to make the box out of fully recycled materials. What would you think than about the idea?

Thank you for your comments again!

2224 posts
14 May 2021 8:00PM
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Now that no one can travel internationally personally for me my next couple boards will be getting glassed in fins
no screws no changing fins no mucking around I'm over it.
there is just no need and to be honest when you rip a plug out it's $50 to get it glasses back in and the fin you lost is likely worth 50......

For me unless I go to indo it just doesn't make sense anymore all fun systems were gimmicks
all of them, fcs fcs2 futures.
now at current I run three different fin systems I have three different sets of fins that really are no longer interchangeable.
it's no a new invention fin boxes have been around since the 70,s

we have all been taken for suckers, marketing has got all of us. Now every big shaper can pump out piles of snot in Thailand using low cost labour and not ever touch a board, charge 1000 for it and than you have to buy the John John quads for $200 or the jordy smith set for 300 etc etc

The two most refreshing surfboard purchases I have made in the last year was an 8 foot hot buttered ( from soul) which came with fins, and if you want a custom from soul with a glass fin you can get it. And the fin is designed to fit that specific board,,, crazy hey

The second most refreshing purchase was a Matt biolis mayhem soft board which came with a set of thrusters I hadn't received fins with a short board for over ten years couldn't believe it.

The next board I get shaped will have glassed in fins I don't care if it costs more.
I couldn't care less, I'm not Italo Ferrari or John John I don't need to change three sets of fins between heats.

WA, 162 posts
15 May 2021 7:44AM
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WaveBreakerCo said..
Thanks for your reactions. Yes, Indeed Buster Fin I should have done that. But nevertheless, how many surfer actually do that?

I don't know of any one who removes them (under normal conditions)

I've been using FCS for well over 20 years, I don't take the grubs screws out and I've never cross threaded one.

Sounds like your problem might be because your taking the grub screws out.

Don't take them out, don't over tighten and you shouldn't have a problem.

WA, 2222 posts
15 May 2021 9:56AM
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Plus it doesn't matter what random forum people think. You need to convince Channel Islands, DHD, Lost, JS, Sharpeye, Pyzel, etc

WA, 902 posts
17 May 2021 12:00AM
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Razzonater said..
Now that no one can travel internationally personally for me my next couple boards will be getting glassed in fins
no screws no changing fins no mucking around I'm over it.
there is just no need and to be honest when you rip a plug out it's $50 to get it glasses back in and the fin you lost is likely worth 50......

For me unless I go to indo it just doesn't make sense anymore all fun systems were gimmicks
all of them, fcs fcs2 futures.
now at current I run three different fin systems I have three different sets of fins that really are no longer interchangeable.
it's no a new invention fin boxes have been around since the 70,s

we have all been taken for suckers, marketing has got all of us. Now every big shaper can pump out piles of snot in Thailand using low cost labour and not ever touch a board, charge 1000 for it and than you have to buy the John John quads for $200 or the jordy smith set for 300 etc etc

The two most refreshing surfboard purchases I have made in the last year was an 8 foot hot buttered ( from soul) which came with fins, and if you want a custom from soul with a glass fin you can get it. And the fin is designed to fit that specific board,,, crazy hey

The second most refreshing purchase was a Matt biolis mayhem soft board which came with a set of thrusters I hadn't received fins with a short board for over ten years couldn't believe it.

The next board I get shaped will have glassed in fins I don't care if it costs more.
I couldn't care less, I'm not Italo Ferrari or John John I don't need to change three sets of fins between heats.

Could not have said it better myself. The whole thing was to add money to the purchase. Mctavish provide specific fins for their boards

WA, 902 posts
29 May 2021 7:37AM
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That said the whole fin system skeg box does provide a bit of choice. Some of the fins are groovey.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Screw Less Fin Future System" started by WaveBreakerCo