Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Shortening board?

Created by pampel > 9 months ago, 28 Jun 2020
83 posts
28 Jun 2020 11:03PM
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I have a 6'8 egg-board and recognizing that it is a bit too long. When I take off, I am laying very much towards the nose. And when standing up afterwards I am standing too much in the middle of the board, so that my foot nearly stands on the tailpad. So I have to move during surfing to the back of my board and then there is too much lengh in the front which makes carving and turning very difficult.
Has anybody of you experiences with shortening a board in the nose?
I was thinking of cutting 7-10cm off and then reglassing it with one layer.
Could this work, what are your experiences?

NSW, 1147 posts
29 Jun 2020 8:09AM
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100% not the length of board issue.
you will not gain anything by removing nose, board turns on tail and rails.
get your back foot right back On the tail pad to turn.
Does not matter the length of board there will always be foot adjustments required

83 posts
29 Jun 2020 6:40AM
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Yeah, I understand, you are right, but then I have way too much of lenght in front of me (which I don't need, even not while paddling for waves). It's just annoying.
Does anybody already cut off the nose of a board, especially through the glass?

2224 posts
29 Jun 2020 2:41PM
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You are looking at the problem all wrong

cut as much as you want off the nose it will not change your fin and rail set up one bit

people on 9 foot Malibu's can do vertical turns

The problem is not 8-10 cm of board

go and buy/borrow try a loan board a 6 foot board that's 40-45 litres

can you turn it?
yes- get rid of your board and buy one you can turn
no- lucky you didn't cut 10cm of your boards nose off - wait 6 months and repeat process

or don't listen to anyone on here and just hack a couple feet off your board

2224 posts
29 Jun 2020 2:41PM
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You are looking at the problem all wrong

cut as much as you want off the nose it will not change your fin and rail set up one bit

people on 9 foot Malibu's can do vertical turns

The problem is not 8-10 cm of board

go and buy/borrow try a loan board a 6 foot board that's 40-45 litres

can you turn it?
yes- get rid of your board and buy one you can turn
no- lucky you didn't cut 10cm of your boards nose off - wait 6 months and repeat process

or don't listen to anyone on here and just hack a couple feet off your board

522 posts
29 Jun 2020 3:03PM
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What the Razz Man said...
if you're convinced it needs to be shorter, sell it and buy the right board.
It'll be a foam donor for repairs otherwise, you'll likely be surprised how important that rocker is there in the nose once it's gone.

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
29 Jun 2020 7:25PM
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It'd probably be cheaper than buying all the materials too.

WA, 585 posts
30 Jun 2020 7:17AM
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Cut out or draw a cardboard template of your board practice getting up with your back foot where it should be (right back over the tail pad ) while laying well forward it should fix the issue

WA, 421 posts
30 Jun 2020 11:24AM
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I had an unusual 8 foot mini mal Salt Fever from Grant Gasket, it was different to other mini mals but I loved it. From memory, it was like a long short board, in a way. I think it was 8 foot by 18.5 or 19ish wide by 2.5 thick. I remember it being 2 and a half thick for sure, it was very thin by standards of a mini mal. Anyway, I loved it.

In reference to your post, tail of this mini mal was very similar to a rounded shordboard and it was so fantastic! I snapped almost a few inches off the nose and lost the nose, it washed away. I just reglassed the front and called it a bull nose, it was now about 7'9 or 7'6 or so. It was very light glass, I snapped it clean through the middle and put it in the garden as a garden ornament for 3 years. It turned brown. Then one day reglassed it and still loved it, it seemed to have this flex through the middle. Like a good valve amplifier or a good cricket bat, they're at their best right before they're at their worst. I snapped it again and by now the next repair had added a fair bit of weight. Then one of my repairs cracked again and it went on verge collection.

The thing was, aside from paddling and weighting the thing forward while paddling to get onto fat waves, the thing still went okay without the nose, but i wouldn't recommend knocking the nose off a board. I am still on the hunt for another mini mal that is around the 2.5 inch thickness, most are 3 inch and made for learners. The thing only had one little G3 black plastic fin and flew at fat Mandurah waves or around North Beach etc.

84 posts
30 Jun 2020 4:29PM
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I ride a 7'6 that turns pretty well - foot placement is key. Don't hack the board!!!

83 posts
30 Jun 2020 6:23PM
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My problem is that I paddle that much on the front of my board/to the nose, that when I pop up, I nearly stand in the middle of the board and the back foot is in front of the tailpad so that it is difficult/not possible to to turn the board properly!

2224 posts
30 Jun 2020 6:48PM
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Select to expand quote
pampel said..
My problem is that I paddle that much on the front of my board/to the nose, that when I pop up, I nearly stand in the middle of the board and the back foot is in front of the tailpad so that it is difficult/not possible to to turn the board properly!

Please watch this this dude has a series of them, he explains in detail some very fundamental yet critically important things that will improve your surfing

WA, 421 posts
1 Jul 2020 8:42AM
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Select to expand quote
pampel said..
My problem is that I paddle that much on the front of my board/to the nose, that when I pop up, I nearly stand in the middle of the board and the back foot is in front of the tailpad so that it is difficult/not possible to to turn the board properly!

I believe there's no such thing as paddling too far forward or back. I often paddle my mal very weighted forward, almost nose diving. Infact, on fat waves, I paddle it so far forward that if I stop paddling the tip of the nose goes under, the water pushing under the board keeps the nose up. Sometimes on a sucky wave, you can paddle more weighted back. What counts is where you jump up. If I am paddling forward, when you jump you want to jump right back onto the tail to turn it. It isn't hard, watch how others in the line up do it.

83 posts
1 Jul 2020 7:42PM
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Yes, exactly. That seem to be my problem. Not being able to paddle pretty far forward to the nose (to catch easily waves) and the pop up with the back foot on the tailpad.
I will try to concentrate more on this.
Do you have any more tips?

WA, 2222 posts
5 Jul 2020 7:59PM
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Try not to be a kook?


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Shortening board?" started by pampel