Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Surfboard in the car.

Created by louis20 > 9 months ago, 18 Sep 2020
NSW, 8 posts
18 Sep 2020 4:16PM
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Does anyone know if it's illegal to transport your surfboard within the car? I haven't got roof racks yet.

My car is a 2 door smallish type of car, and it placed from tthe boot across the back of the passengers seat, not touching the windscreen, Just don't want to get fined or lose licence points. I'm in NSW. Thanks

QLD, 152 posts
18 Sep 2020 9:23PM
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its all perfectly legal whenever someone pulls you up just say you're going to a blm protest and they will wave you through with encouragement

QLD, 152 posts
18 Sep 2020 9:26PM
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Actually haven't looked up the rules but have done it for years and can't imagine being fined for it although shoulder checks can be hard if you take a big board out. Just do it for now and get a set of soft racks if you're worried about it which are easy and cheap enough

WA, 36 posts
18 Sep 2020 7:50PM
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Seriously, if a cop made this into a fine, I would assume- actually, know that he didn't surf, tell him he might need some form of assessment by a man in a white coat and obviously get a a fine..... but would still leave the boards in the car! If surfboards in cars are illegal then coins in the cup holders should be also!

NSW, 8 posts
19 Sep 2020 9:09AM
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littlewing said..
Actually haven't looked up the rules but have done it for years and can't imagine being fined for it although shoulder checks can be hard if you take a big board out. Just do it for now and get a set of soft racks if you're worried about it which are easy and cheap enough

Thanks for your reply. I have a 2 door Mini Cooper and soft roof racks aren't really suitable. Just don't want the expense of putting permanent roof racks on.

WA, 2503 posts
20 Sep 2020 8:59AM
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Why won't soft racks work?

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
20 Sep 2020 2:25PM
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No back doors or openable windows.

WA, 585 posts
25 Sep 2020 4:48PM
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Just secure with seat belt over the top and all good

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
25 Sep 2020 7:24PM
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BTW, I typically get 2 peeps, 2 boards and gear to the beach in a micro car when in the old country. Surely smaller than a mini. But all boards sub 6'.

SA, 3590 posts
2 Feb 2021 1:38AM
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Rules on load restraint
You must restrain any load you are carrying on a light vehicle so that it:
- Stays on the vehicle during normal driving conditions. This includes heavy braking, cornering, acceleration and even minor collisions.
- Doesn't negatively affect the stability of the vehicle, making it difficult or unsafe to drive.
- Doesn't protrude from the vehicle in a way that could injure people, damage property or obstruct others' paths.

You must pick up any fallen load if it is safe to do so, or arrange for someone to retrieve it.

There are two main load restraint methods
Tie-down restraint:
- using lashings to clamp the load to the vehicle (relying on friction for most of the restraint forces).
Direct restraint:
- Containing - the load is contained within the vehicle
- Blocking - the load is blocked from moving by a rigid structure, e.g. a rated headboard
- Attaching - the load is attached to the vehicle


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Surfboard in the car." started by louis20