Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Surfing WA's new offices

Created by wedgell > 9 months ago, 14 Jun 2021
WA, 5 posts
14 Jun 2021 11:00AM
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Something for the Perth surfers - Surfing WA is building fancy new offices at Trigg, paving over an area that includes dunes and public green space between 2nd and 3rd car park. Those of us stuck in Perth have enough issues finding a wave locally at the best of times. Now an organisation that is supposed to represent the surfing community is building a new concrete structure that will inevitability impact sand movement, right in front of one of the more consistent banks over winter.
Petition here if anyone's interested.

WA, 902 posts
14 Jun 2021 5:25PM
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I signed up and sent to a friend.

Bloody bull**** this is. Where have the funds come from? These funds Would far benifit an artificial reef and the general wa surfing public more than another office block.

WA, 5 posts
15 Jun 2021 8:06AM
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The arrogance to use tax payer funding to build yourself new offices right on the beach is staggering, especially when it's paving over green space that was freely available for anyone. Good job Surfing WA.

1197 posts
15 Jun 2021 9:57PM
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your disgruntlement has merit, but you lose credibility when you over play the impacts with crap like:
".that will inevitability impact sand movement."


1197 posts
15 Jun 2021 10:06PM
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The article also says it is federal funded. the flip side is, is it better to have that money spent here for a change instead of $4 mill in upgrades to an old boys rugby clubs change rooms in scomo s electorate?!

no doubt the state election result has twisted a few grant scheme decisions and the fed libs will award grant funds left right and centre in WA in the lead up to next election.
- cool looking building
- the guys working on it will get a paddle everyday
- the existing toilet block old kiosk etc is rank, new facilities for post paddle/surf/swim/kite etc

- losing the grass, a couple of the wind surfers won't like that
- could it impact the parking space?(a nightmare in summer)
- probably will pinch the road up even more, but maybe not
- more surf schools probably
- more surfers then too


2224 posts
16 Jun 2021 8:20AM
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It's nice that federal funding is being used co sideri g how many tax dollars are taken from west oz.

Yet that's enough money to build a wave pool which would benefit a lot more people and also probably make money.........

Surfing wa is good for insurance purposes and if you do comps and the like,however this only is relevant for a very small percentile of the surfing community so may not benefit the masses.

Crowds which were already a problem will keep increasing and car park space in that area is already at an optimum, additionally having the head quarters there will encourage more competitions in front especially on weekends where between the chubbies, the numerous board rider, bodyboarding, Malibu comps will also mean waaay way more grommet comps.
Look it's a good thing for the twenty people in the comp but not the other 100 punters who only get to surf weekends along that stretch.

This really should of been built at secret harbour or the likes not at the most prime piece of real estate with limited parking on the coast.

build us a wave pool and we will call it fair and square

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
16 Jun 2021 9:05AM
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Millions of tax payers dollars to encourage more people to surf in an already over crowded stretch of pathetic waves.
Artificial reefs should be built to benefit more people

WA, 5 posts
16 Jun 2021 10:03AM
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mazdon said..
your disgruntlement has merit, but you lose credibility when you over play the impacts with crap like:
".that will inevitability impact sand movement."


Fair enough, point taken. Could've done without the speculation.
I still reckon we can't just ignore that this move will only benefit Surfing WA employees (and maybe the learners that go to their surf schools). Like others have said they cater to comp surfers and complete beginners but don't do much to represent anyone in between, and this move reflects that.
But hey, lets keep putting up concrete office blocks in place of open green areas along the coast so that a select few can surf over their lunch break, and take over the best bank for a comp every second weekend /s

1197 posts
17 Jun 2021 1:37PM
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i'm also passionate about surf improvement with structures, and artificial reefs (not just for fishing) and that could be closer to shore. It's bloody hard to achieve though.

I thought i'd go check out their website to see if they have a charter or mission statement and the website comes across more about the competitions and surfschools. But their constitution directly mentions a few noteworthy items to this thread:

m) pursue through itself or other such commercial arrangements, including sponsorship and marketing opportunities as are appropriate to further the interests of surfriding in Western Australia; i'd say a wave pool would tick that box, as well as for the competition training etc
o) represent the interests of its Members and of surfriding generally in any appropriate forum in Western Australia; ie. should be lobbying for a wave pool on your behalf Razz
p) have regard to the public interest in its operations; unified public interest is not always easy to see or get
u) construct or engage in research, either solely or jointly with any other body or organisation, regarding artificial reefs or other constructions or facilities that would lead to the improvement of surfing conditions; bang. Any evidence of them actually doing this? Would be great to know.

Razz, i was thinking of the old Atlantis site behind two rocks marina the other day, and figured that must have heaps of the old infrastruture still set up and useable - ever heard of the urbnsrf sorts looking at that site? If you are reading this developers, make it happen!!!!

Would be way better than housing... people might choose it over other local spots to paddle at, and heaps of cashed up fifo lifers up that way... plus growth population area... i could go on!

1197 posts
17 Jun 2021 1:39PM
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josh86 said..

mazdon said..
your disgruntlement has merit, but you lose credibility when you over play the impacts with crap like:
".that will inevitability impact sand movement."


Fair enough, point taken. Could've done without the speculation.
I still reckon we can't just ignore that this move will only benefit Surfing WA employees (and maybe the learners that go to their surf schools). Like others have said they cater to comp surfers and complete beginners but don't do much to represent anyone in between, and this move reflects that.
But hey, lets keep putting up concrete office blocks in place of open green areas along the coast so that a select few can surf over their lunch break, and take over the best bank for a comp every second weekend /s

noted and i pretty much agree. They could build something more modest...

you've made me go away and look into SWA a bit more as well.

WA, 934 posts
17 Jun 2021 5:10PM
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Seems the Stirling Council are looking into wave pools on an old rubbish site

WA, 902 posts
17 Jun 2021 11:07PM
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Yeah it was on the news that Stirling council is in preliminary discussions to deliver WA's first wave park.

I wonder if surfing wa have had any input. Or even know about it.

WA, 1463 posts
11 Oct 2021 8:09PM
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mazdon said..
The article also says it is federal funded. the flip side is, is it better to have that money spent here for a change instead of $4 mill in upgrades to an old boys rugby clubs change rooms in scomo s electorate?!

no doubt the state election result has twisted a few grant scheme decisions and the fed libs will award grant funds left right and centre in WA in the lead up to next election.
- cool looking building
- the guys working on it will get a paddle everyday
- the existing toilet block old kiosk etc is rank, new facilities for post paddle/surf/swim/kite etc

- losing the grass, a couple of the wind surfers won't like that
- could it impact the parking space?(a nightmare in summer)
- probably will pinch the road up even more, but maybe not
- more surf schools probably
- more surfers then too


Yeah your right I rig up my sails on the grass.

Fred Rubble
WA, 96 posts
23 Dec 2021 5:34PM
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I see the eye sore is up up and away
Looks like a concrete behemoth

WA, 902 posts
27 Dec 2021 1:31PM
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Nothing good about it unless your one of the chest beaters who work there and think they have some right over what happens with the beach and surfing in our state. I get it if they (surfing WA) had a voice or did some good.

I suppose they stay in the back water or the funding gets pulled and mighty mcgown will squash them like he did with NYE for the kids. Its okay he let the yuppies keep perth cup. Dont want to upset the big end of town.

WA, 47 posts
27 Dec 2021 6:28PM
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surfing plus Perth equals keep your expectations very vey low at all times, throw an architect into that mix and the result was never going to be good


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Surfing WA's new offices" started by wedgell