Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Type of surfboard for intermediate?

Created by SPBanksia > 9 months ago, 11 Jan 2021
1 posts
11 Jan 2021 10:58AM
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Hi all,

Have previously been surfing with a mini mal/funboard (7'0) for the previous year or two whenever I can, to the point where I'd consider myself an intermediate surfer (comfortable with turns and surfing an open face in 3-5ft surf, starting to think about cutbacks etc).

Whilst a brilliant board to learn the surfing fundamentals, this board is relatively limited once I have reached a certain skill level, and I am beginning to look at alternatives.

I was wondering what would be the best board to buy to replace my current Mini Mal. I am 5'11, 82kg and am looking towards getting a shorter, more manoeuvrable board that would also fit in to my current skillset.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

8266 posts
11 Jan 2021 3:00PM
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A hand plane

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
11 Jan 2021 3:44PM
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So many possibilities. 2nd hand?
I think you know the answer as well as we could, but thanks for asking.

32 posts
11 Jan 2021 5:12PM
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My personal preference for this level of surfing is a Lost Round Nose Fish or MR shaped board. Maybe stick above 35 litres.

Buster fin
WA, 2582 posts
11 Jan 2021 8:12PM
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foamie said..
My personal preference for this level of surfing is a Lost Round Nose Fish or MR shaped board. Maybe stick above 35 litres.

Uh oh, here come the litres...

VIC, 369 posts
11 Jan 2021 11:19PM
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10 foot sup ??

3939 posts
28 Jan 2021 7:12AM
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6'6" trifin.
20+" if your break is mostly under head high.
18.75"-19.5" wide if you get overhead surf at least 1/4th of your surfing days.

WA, 1259 posts
4 Feb 2021 4:16PM
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6'6 McCoy Nugget or 6'2 or 6'4 Firewire Dominator - both of these are a good mix of user friendly, challenging enough and coming from a mini mal, surf really well and if you find them second hand are an absolute bargain.

I cant believe how well the Dominator in particular paddles. option of a quad is handy as well.

I am similar dims and had a similar experience and found out the hard way what does not work for me and what does - the above 2 boards are the sweet spot.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Type of surfboard for intermediate?" started by SPBanksia