Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Vessel Delta

Created by stonny > 9 months ago, 6 Apr 2020
NSW, 99 posts
6 Apr 2020 12:19PM
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Does anyone have any feedback on the vessel delta from the surfboard warehouse ?
I am interested in hearing from people who own or have ridden one of these boards.
I currently ride a 6'2'' x 20.3/4 x 2.5/8 squash tail at 36.5 ltrs and a 6'8'' x 20.3/4 x 2.3/4 rounded pin which has 40.5 ltrs. Both by DHD.
The 6'2'' is recommended for 1 to 4 foot surf and the 6'8'' for 4 to 10 foot waves ( not that you'll ever catch me out in 10ft )
It would be nice to have a board that sits in the middle of those wave ranges with an overlap into the conditions that each of those can handle.
I was thinking of the Delta 6'4'' which comes in at 20 wide by 2.5/8 thick with 36.6 ltrs.
The round tail hopefully offering a nice compromise between the squash and the rounded pin of my other two boards.
Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Stay safe but keep surfing

WA, 585 posts
6 Apr 2020 1:35PM
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I bought a 6'8" some time ago for a cheap rehab board for easey paddling which surprised me for what it is and for the price goes OK.

NSW, 99 posts
8 Apr 2020 8:28PM
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Well, thankyou for your reply IFocus.
It would seem that the board in question is not very popular. Could it be that if I buy one, their sales will have doubled

WA, 2355 posts
8 Apr 2020 6:32PM
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stonny said..
Well, thankyou for your reply IFocus.
It would seem that the board in question is not very popular. Could it be that if I buy one, their sales will have doubled

And I don't know what your board turnover is, but the resale on these is abysmal.

NSW, 99 posts
9 Apr 2020 11:01AM
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thedrip said..

stonny said..
Well, thankyou for your reply IFocus.
It would seem that the board in question is not very popular. Could it be that if I buy one, their sales will have doubled

And I don't know what your board turnover is, but the resale on these is abysmal.

But this could be the board you were wrong about.

WA, 169 posts
9 Apr 2020 4:42PM
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Have a chat to Hydroman Stoney He is a full bottle on the Chinese Virus boards.

NSW, 99 posts
9 Apr 2020 10:04PM
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No thanks. I want a board, not a lecture

WA, 585 posts
11 Apr 2020 6:04AM
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stonny said..
Could it be that if I buy one, their sales will have doubled

Haha yes very possible to be honest I haven't seen another around!

WA, 585 posts
11 Apr 2020 6:04AM
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thedrip said..

stonny said..
Well, thankyou for your reply IFocus.
It would seem that the board in question is not very popular. Could it be that if I buy one, their sales will have doubled

And I don't know what your board turnover is, but the resale on these is abysmal.



Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Vessel Delta" started by stonny