Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Wave pool

Created by Buster fin > 9 months ago, 9 Dec 2021
Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
9 Dec 2021 5:57PM
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I've just taken the survey for wavegardens proposed pool in Cockburn. Looks awesome! Unfortunately, at the pricepoint they're aiming at, I'd be lucky to be able to afford to go there even once before it went bankrupt. Greedy, greedy b@rstards. They think surfers are millionaires. How many peeps will have a surf lesson at over $100 an hour?

1197 posts
9 Dec 2021 6:53PM
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I read recently that Waco is like $2500 for one hour exclusive

would be pretty sick with 10 mates for an occasion, but damn that hour would go fast and would probably be some point packed like hassling in the last 10 min.

not sure you could justify going that often unless it truly was mind blowing

84 posts
9 Dec 2021 8:18PM
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I reckon I'd fork out for a few good surfs over summer. Let's hope they orientate the pool so that it's offshore in the summer southerlies!

WA, 1404 posts
11 Dec 2021 4:18PM
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Wondering if the prices will be similar to urbnsurf?
79 bucks for an advanced session not too bad, cheaper than the fuel to head down south, but yeh probably only do it once or twice a month

Perth one not finished till 2024 seems a long way away

i reckon will be good in summer when there's no waves locally and pool water is warm , in winter it's probably easier just to surf in the ocean


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Wave pool" started by Buster fin