Hi guys, new here. So about 8 years ago my parents bought me my first surfboard made by "exp...". It's 6ft 3 x 18.4in x 2.5in. I've had about 10 lessons and am quite capable on a softboard . I'm 19 years old, quite tall at 6ft 5 and weigh around 75kg and am a very capable swimmer if that helps. I know this board is far from ideal for a beginner like me, But my question is will i be able to learn on this board, even if it takes a lot more time than a longboard? Or will it be near impossible?
Just to add I've lived in London for my whole life and only recently moved out to Brisbane and surfing has always appealed to me so want to give it a try!
Yes you could learn on that board. But it would suck, and you wouldn't get many waves. The board would get dinged up from general use and by the time you are capable of riding it, it'll be thrashed. Such a pulled in tail means it could go good in barrels but will be a dog in anything else.
Don't get a longboard if your goal is to ride shortboard. Get something about that length but around 3" thick, and around 21" wide. Maybe a retro fish, with a semi-wide tail and not too much rocker. Try and get one with a lighting bolt . One piece of advice: don't get rid of this board. You will grow into it.
To think my first board was a Rick Jacko Alloy Joy 6'1 17 3/4 2something how did I ever get up! Had sick purple flames on the rails too! You'll be right mate, don't over think the board, just get out and use it.
Listen to nutdip
You'll progress faster and
Have more fun
Don't listen to blueball
He was probably ten when he had that board
He's frustrated and doesn't get none
I concur...
Blue balls an idiot..
Nutdip is the man....
Unless blueball is trying to make you suck so there's more waves for us...
In that case,
Nutdips an idiot...
Blueball is the man.....
P.s- please don't come south of the border
PPS- I just read that and feel like an asshole... come on down,....
NOT IDEAL,,,, MAYBE IF ITS REALLY GOOD SURF BUT STILL NOT IDEAL. if your in average surf like most of us,most of the time,your pushing ship up hill
Still good to get wet tho ,get out there