Forums > Surfing Shortboards

fibreglass repair kit for epoxy board

Created by HENDO 77 > 9 months ago, 21 Nov 2020
WA, 288 posts
21 Nov 2020 6:54PM
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Didnt work out well , the resin melted away the foam to about the size of half a can of beer.
sorry this is a sup board with a windsurf mast insert that was ripped out when i cocked up on a wave.
Trying to do a home job and the above happened . now ive got a big bloody hole in the board.
Any advice on repair of that depth and size
im not concerned about appearances , just want to get it water tight and hopefully put the mast insert back in
would i just get the epoxy resin and top it up till its level with the existing board
cheers for any help .
Probaly should have just given it to the man but eh this is how you learn

P co
WA, 458 posts
21 Nov 2020 8:19PM
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With a cavity that big if you just fill it with epoxy resin or even resin and q-cell mix, the heat generated will further melt the foam. You're better off filling it with some foam, either polyurethane or polystyrene, sanding it flat and then glass over it.

3939 posts
22 Nov 2020 3:18AM
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Fill with 2 part expanding...note..expanding foam and glass using epoxy resin.

WA, 288 posts
24 Nov 2020 11:49AM
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cheers Lee , i went with your advice . Hopefully all works out.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"fibreglass repair kit for epoxy board" started by HENDO 77