Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

AA 30.76kts for the Nautical MIle

Created by Paducah > 9 months ago, 17 Jul 2020
WA, 8758 posts
17 Jul 2020 1:16PM
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There you go Tom, a challenger for you.

QLD, 3424 posts
17 Jul 2020 4:20PM
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Not used to see old Antoine with the poo stance !

1074 posts
18 Jul 2020 10:26AM
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Well, yes, but ... a bit more impressive is the 43.01 knots on the nautical mile that A2 pulled off in the same conditions. It is the world record for a windsurf. Slow compared to Sailrocket (55.32 knots) but still makes a windsurfer the third fastest on the nautical mile after Sailrocket and Hydroptere.

1074 posts
19 Jul 2020 12:19PM
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duzzi said..

Well, yes, but ... a bit more impressive is the 43.01 knots on the nautical mile that A2 pulled off in the same conditions. It is the world record for a windsurf. Slow compared to Sailrocket (55.32 knots) but still makes a windsurfer the third fastest on the nautical mile after Sailrocket and Hydroptere.

Quoting myself!

30 knots is of course impressive on a foil but the two videos in the same location take home how far foil has still to go. Just comparing the stance is revealing. On a windsurf A2 is pretty much rock solid doing a 43 knots average. On the foil, doing 30 average, he is visibly going up and down and looks much less in control ...

Something is clearly not working with the current windsurfing foils set up when somebody like A2 cannot keep a steady asset (not to mention going 30% slower)

SA, 4074 posts
19 Jul 2020 4:31PM
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WA, 6415 posts
19 Jul 2020 3:29PM
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Foiling is about experiencing a completely different feel to standard windsurfing and getting out in conditions where previously they would not bother.

I tried it and i am useless at it but i can appreciate how others are hooked on the feel of sailing a metre or so above the water. It feels more like two to three metres above the water when you first try it i can guarantee.


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"AA 30.76kts for the Nautical MIle" started by Paducah