Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Board Foot Straps Position to help with jibe

Created by Poimax05 > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2020
46 posts
17 Aug 2020 5:16AM
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I currently foil with a JP freefoil 130, with front foot strap in the outboard position.

I do not use a back foot strap yet, but consider adding it next time to help pump the foil better to get going ; I do not think i willl need it much when I am flying.

The freefoil comes also with an inboard strap position, but it is quite far inwards. (I would say more inwards than for the Wizard 125, for which the footstrap position appears to be a mix of my inboard / outboard foostrap inserts)

I can fly nicely and steadily (without any crash) , but I still can't jibe. I am wondering if using inward footstrap position would help me significantly with the jibes ?

What do you think ? It is not too clear to me if the inward footsrap inserts are worth using at all for sailing in flat water. (i.e without much wave to surf)



WA, 369 posts
17 Aug 2020 7:28AM
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Hi Max,
I haven't ridden the JP board but I'm not sure moving the front strap inboard is going to help you jibe, having said that I also don't think it's going to make it any harder.
For me the key to a successful foil jibe is your back foot placement. As you bear away in preparation for your jibe, place your rear foot out on the opposite rail. This wide stance will give you the stability needed to get you around successfully.
Good luck


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Board Foot Straps Position to help with jibe" started by Poimax05