Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Bonaire Question

Created by NS320 4 months ago, 7 Sep 2024
51 posts
7 Sep 2024 8:10PM
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I am considering a Bonaire trip. I have been twice for windsurfing. Anyone windfoiled in Bonaire? Which rental company did you use?

311 posts
9 Sep 2024 10:55PM
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yes, I have, on several trips.

the only feasible wind foil launch in Lac Bay (=where all the windsurf centers are located) is in front of Frans Paradise. the area in front of all the other centers is too shallow.

you can have a lot of fun foiling inside Lac Bay, if you stay in the deep end of course (the water is super clear so pretty easy to work out where to go). be careful of the turtles though but they're easy to spot. you can also sail upwind and out of the Bay through the small channel of Lay Cay and into the open water; super fun trip but be careful because the swell can be quite big there and if you break something (or miss the narrow passage to get back inside) it can end up pretty badly as there are virtually no sandy beaches to land on but only sharp corals and rocks...

of course, if you have your own gear you can launch elsewhere as well, especially on the leeward side of the island (Pink Beach, etc) where it is plenty deep. my best trip has been to launch from there and foil around Klein Bonaire (the small uninhabited island off the main island) and back. great memories with Mr NB9 :D

needless to say, the only center with proper wind foil gear is also the Frans Paradise, so get in touch with them and they'll sort you out. best vibes on the island!


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Bonaire Question" started by NS320