Cool pics! I wonder if this jibe ended up well with that wing sticking out of water.
Cool pics! I wonder if this jibe ended up well with that wing sticking out of water.
He was doing a 360 at the end of the race
Nice to see so many people who do not have Gray Hair!
Those kiwis gave me a few being faster than us.
78. Still celebrating life.
That's a legend.
Inspirational for everyone on this page. And beyond.
Forza Tibor..
78. Still celebrating life.
That's a legend.
Inspirational for everyone on this page. And beyond.
Forza Tibor.. this 53 yo inspiration to be still racing in 25 years time
Australian championship podium:
You would think it was just a Queensland championship looking at the podium.
78. Still celebrating life.
That's a legend.
Inspirational for everyone on this page. And beyond.
Forza Tibor..
All the green thumbs are taken up so here's another one
Great photos, thanks for sharing