A 42+ knot Vmax run at Almanarre, France with a 500m of 39.14 knots.
It's all nice and dandy while we're breaking ourselves to reach 30 knots but the greatest thing to come out of this is that it was done on a new 86 wide board. I hope the PWA rule makers are taking notes
"I was on 4,5 with the new @phantomfoiling INFINITE 86 board and I can tell you. The board is just amazing ! So stable in the air and so easy to control despite the size ! That is definitely the next step of windfoiling"
Truly impressive - pushing up the max by about 5%. Balz talked some good-natured smack in the comments about board size and NG replied that an even faster updated 76 is on the way.
aero, don't feel bad, or at least don't feel alone.
Most of you will know about my struggles getting to 30 knots. and now the PWA riders like Goyard are racing at around 32-35 and peaking at 40!
I think at this early stage equipment evolution is frantic. The foils all "look" the same but the ability of the new generation of small wings to glide through a gybe at under 20kts minimum speed and then be controllable at 40 is amazing. Especially without adjustable profiles or flaps.
SB new boards have longer rear sections for aero- rather than hydro-dynamic reasons.
F4, Pat, Z, Phantom offering Titanium or carbon fuselages (limited availability) some of the carbon wings with integrated fuselages to remove screw fitting drag.. Sails getting luff pockets out to. Early 1m now adding stability and power to the profile with stiffer battens and panel design to reduce movement while still allowing controlled twist.
Personally I have the F4 375 (kite), 380, 400 & 420 front wings. At first I liked to ride small wings on 76 wide board but at max speed I wanted a bit more edge pressure especially from front foot. But this board is ~5 years old. My FMX 91 is a bit wide for small wings at 20-25 knots (can get wobbly if you push rail too much!) but at speed feels good.
Not sure I'll bother with 40kt thread to be honest!
I'm all for board and wing limits at PWA level, which pushes manufacturers & developers to develop gear that has an even broader range than is currently the case.
As for board size, designs for next year are still being finalized, but seem to gravitate around the mid-80s.
Very impressive speeds. He nearly cracked 40 on 10s average and getting nearer on 500m.
Not sure what flat water speed sailing has to to with PWA slalom, I think he picked that spot based on wind/water conditions, easterly at Almanarre. I dont think he will be doing those speeds at the PWA events where they sail on the open sea where they cant choose their venue.
5 sails 2 boards and 3 foils
5 sails 2 boards and 4 fins
5 sails 2 boards 2 foils and 2 fins
let the riders choose the combination
gear is getting better and ranges are better.
I understand there are board brands and other riders pushing for fin only but honestly the competition on foils has been spectacular! 2 foils is insufficient!
1 foil board for foil only PWA slalom racing should be feasible; 1 fin board otoh would be very difficult, at least if they aspire to race in the pre-foil wind range.
Not sure whether the quality of foil racing would be dramatically improved by allowing 3 instead of 2 front wings, but the additional cost of doing so is marginal so should not be a big issue.
While I will also miss the fin/foil battles, it does seem that at this stage the only chance to save pro level fin racing is to split the fleets again.
Dear Manufacturers
Please find attached the registration form for the registration of the 2024 Racing sails.
For 2024, competitors will be able to register the following equipment for the season:
? Foil Slalom - 5 sails, 1 board and one set of foil components consisting of 1 foil mast, 2 foil fuselages, 3 sets of front wings and 2 sets of rear wings.
? Fin Slalom - 3 sails and 2 boards
The following details, for each sail model / size registered, must be submitted by 31st October 2023:
? PWA Registration form completed
? Panel layout diagram clearly specifying materials used
? Image of each sail clearly showing any design features or different layouts of different sizes
? Registered sails may be no bigger than 10m2 in size
? Brands may register as many models and sizes of sails as they wish but ONLY sails registered shall be permitted for use in the racing disciplines of the PWA Tour.
? All Brands must be in membership of the PWA for equipment to be used on the PWA Tour whether they have submitted the relevant equipment registration documentation or not.
? All equipment registered for use on the PWA tour must be included in the publicly marketed and available ranges of products listed by the brand and must be published online on the official international website of the brand by January 1st of the first season in which the equipment is registered for use.
? Registered equipment must be available commercially during the season in which it is first registered for use, no later than 30th April
If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Board and foil registration deadline is 15th December 2023. Further information will be sent out in due course.
Kind regards
Professional Windsurfers Association
source : surf-forum.com/forum/thread/27953-pwa-sail-registration-for-the-2024-season/?postID=377396#post377396
serious restriction on fin gear, especially when compared to the number foil sails. I'd have thought 4 sails would have been feasible for each discipline, with 2 boards for fin, one for foil.
no indication of min wind speed for racing in either discipline so we'll see what it means in practice.