Anyone using newish HA Axis gear for windfoil? Or any of you that windfoil and do other foil sports with the spitfire or newer?
Adrian has been promoting the use of camber in the spitfire and his more recent designs. He says that detail really improves low speed lift. Lack of low-speed lift has been the main thing that has kept me away from high aspect foils. I am curious how much difference it will make.
Don't have any experience with the spitfire only the HPS and thought they had plenty lift and are still popular with axis riders..Camber is a great way to increase lift and prevent stall in higher aspect wings ,you might have a look at Facebook messenger buy sell group US only ,deals can be had on axis used gear if you want the headaches that go along with.
I ride Axis Windfoil gear on JP freefoil 105 board and Severne foilfreak sails. Currently riding an ART V2 879 front wing with Skinny 365 stab for when I'm powered up, swapping the front out for an HPS 1050 in less wind. Very happy with the V2. Have also tried the 900 Spitfire before which I enjoyed. Hard to know how the low end compares without trying all the foils. Might upgrade the HPS sometime soon but V2 seems good to me, faster than the spitfire. haven't tried a fireball yet