So the PWA rules for foiling specified a 91cm max width... and the available options are expanding. Here are details of race ready boards that will hopefully be available in Australia over the next 6 months (by Oct/Nov).
Currently only the JP 150 and Starboard 177 are in Australia, quite popular, but unfortunately stock is sold out in Carbon.
The JP seems to have the narrowest tail by the looks, although I can't get a good plan shot off the web at all, and haven't seen a measurement posted! The Patrik seems to have cut-out right around the footstraps, so narrower than Starboard/FMX, but wider than JP.
Avail: Sep/2019+
Re-designing and re-exploring all the parameters possible we managed to make a board range that will make your new foil experience a lifetime memory. A straighter outline providing a more parallel stance for comfort in air. New rail shapes and new volume distribution from nose to tail for balanced flights. A wider area on the nose and redefined rocker line to be able to have a lift at slow speeds plus a lot of control at higher speed. Our racing machine 177 has proved to be the most comfortable and easy board out there covering a huge range of wind from 5-30 knots, winning the 1st official PWA Foil event ever.
JP Australia HydroFoil 150, 175, 190
Avail: Oct/2019+
HYDROFOIL 150: Designed according to the regulations of the PWA racing rules this JP racing machine provides a large, wide planing area for maximum leverage to the foil, supporting the use of bigger sails for early take-off and higher top speed, thus performing already in light wind and enabling extreme up- and downwind sailing. The new V-angled nose bevels clear the rail from touching the water when pushing down the windward rail when sailing upwind. You can easily keep the board tilted and load additional lift to the foil for more acceleration and speed. The additional inboard tail straps help to control your flight over chop on deep downwind courses.
Avail: May (limited) to Oct/2019+
Knowing that the 1m wide Formula is so far the best foiling shape we took the easy way and simply cut it down to a 91cm parallel outline and the result was truly amazing. The huge square rails do not just look big but they are probably the biggest on the market and so are the advantages. It is obvious that this big rail has a lot of floats and the water can not really suck onto the deck when dropping from flight mode and the relaunch into the air is probably unbeatable.
FMX Hyperion 184
Avail: Pending
Stability and function, these are the highlight points of this all-new foil race board design. Plane in 4-5 knots of wind or power through the chop in 30-knots of wind, this board can handle any and all foil race conditions that you will likely encounter at any foil race events around the globe.
I've skipped the Exocet RF-Foil 91 because the straps are mounted well inboard. Potentially fixed with a power drill :).
If there are any other boards available in AU before Christmas let me know and I'll add them!
Basically if you're racing and want to play within the PWA rule you want a parallel rail board, smack on max width of 91cm all the way to the back. They were messing with this bigtime in the PWA circuit on the first year, people cutting down formula boards with circ saws to parallel sided, all sorts of crazy stuff.
Starboard were the first ones into serious production in this planform? The new 177 doesn't look much different. Not sure what JP were thinking with the 150 but seems like a weird board, too narrow in the rear for serious racing, too wide for people on smaller rigs. If you look up photos of it there are pics of their team riders with wings on the back to make the rear 91cm or close to. I'd say when they signed Albeau he went wtf are you thinking and they launched the 175 and 190.
I own a JP 135 which is 86cm wide standard but narrow in the back. At the first nationals I saw Sean had wings on his, nice....I added some wings, better, some issues though. After the second nationals I took drastic action and cut and shut it to 91cm parallel sided....probably 150L now, looks almost identical to the new 175 in planform. The difference is big if you are racing, the ability to carry big rigs up range, particularly for someone lighter like me is much easier. The extra leverage you have over the foil gives you more power, control and righting moment, that's everything.
On the rule, personally I think they should stick to 91cm across the board, not just the's just that bit easier to transport and carry etc. Currently there is no rule conformity which leads to weird issues where the pros are buying brand new formula boards to race, as at the last Aus nationals, which I personally think is pretty stupid. If you're a pro imo you should be racing 91cm wide....that's it. The grandfathered formula board rule exists so people transitioning from formula can enter the class without having to buy another board, no issue with that. Foiling is so new it's a complete arms race at the moment...not much you can do.
I'd add the Fanatic Falcon Foil to your list, not a bad board by the looks, very similar planform to the SB 177 and JP 175.
WIDTH 91cm
LENGTH 226cm
SAIL SIZES 7,0 - 10,0
The track looks longer on that board compaired to the others mentioned. I think this is a nice idea giving you more range.
"Flying camel" is a PWA nickname of Arnon Dagan (quite fitting for him not so fitting for the board) - the founder of the FF Brand.
According to JP website, JP 190 has a width of 100cm and volume of 199 liters. It was designed to compete with formula boards when formula boards are allowed in foil competitions. Albeau's JP175 has 185 liters volume to support his >100 kg heft.
FF and FMX (Finian Maynard's brand) are made in Vietnam.
Below is a link to registered foils, boards and sails.
I have to point out though... The IFCA racing rules are still 1m, if you're not a PWA sailor some of the modern formulaboards would just be the better option because they are faster around the course than the 91cm wide boards due to greater width / ofo. Only exception maybe being the JP190.
I ride a PD formula V3 with the tail wings to give me a maximum width under the backfoot of 96cm, which is the widest I've come across and therefore also the most powerful (and "5cm" more powerful than a 91cm PWA board).
There is no reason to want a 91cm board over some formula boards, except "the pro's have it" or "i want one because it looks cool"
I have to point out though... The IFCA racing rules are still 1m, if you're not a PWA sailor some of the modern formulaboards would just be the better option because they are faster around the course than the 91cm wide boards due to greater width / ofo. Only exception maybe being the JP190.
I ride a PD formula V3 with the tail wings to give me a maximum width under the backfoot of 96cm, which is the widest I've come across and therefore also the most powerful (and "5cm" more powerful than a 91cm PWA board).
There is no reason to want a 91cm board over some formula boards, except "the pro's have it" or "i want one because it looks cool"
... or "there are no formula boards for sail (I mean sale) on Seabreeze"...
.... or "I don't want to replace it in ? years when the IFCA moves to PWA rules"... or is that not likely?
Good point though Whitie.
Fanatic Falcon Foil (F^3)
Avail: ? Falcon are generally available in AU.
100 % foil optimized design Boosted width and parallel rails for comfort and performance Plenty of vee for a smooth touch-down Softer rails in the nose make tacking and gybing more forgiving if you happen to touch-down Tail cut-outs give the board better acceleration onto the plane before lifting onto the foil Biax Carbon Sandwich Light Finish technology.
Tabou Air Ride
Avail: ?
Perfectly aligned for upwind and downwind racing with sails from 7.8m? to over 10m?, the Air Ride+ offers tons of power that can easily be handled with the most powerful foils. The parallel outline, 180 liters of volume and super wide tail of 91cm create a huge hull area surface creates maximum leverage to plane and get lift as early as possible and fly upwind quickly. The Air Ride 91 was specifically designed for performance-oriented foil surfers, who are looking for more than just the satisfaction of flying above the surface. It will not just make you enjoy the flight, but also go faster than you might expect!
Basically if you're racing and want to play within the PWA rule you want a parallel rail board, smack on max width of 91cm all the way to
Would they let you get away with 91.44?
1 yard? I reckon you'd get away with it
Especially if your allowed to ride a fluro green board, while wearing a different green shorts!
nice work Berowne !
the frogs have done something similar there :
(but not pwa 91)
(click on the link to get the full spreadsheet)
So the IFWC( has a list of approved Formula Boards ([21454].pdf).
There are scant few brands with boards >= 2017
# JP AUS Formula 100 Pro, 2016/17
# Patrik Formula 180 and 200, 2018/19.
# Starboard Formula 177
This despite a new minimum production run of just 25!
Slalom boards if interested:
AHD Thunderbolt
88cm at 30cm tail width, similar to others.
Not sure if they will be available in AU.
My FMX Hyperion finally arrived,... thanks Remi at, ... very VERY well packed!
Very happy customer
Lots of options for foot strap positioning.
Deep holes for the screws
Good looking cut-out, maybe not as deep as some?
Somewhat fatter than my other favourite board
9.2kg with straps.
The fin-box was very tight... I spent a good 30 minutes sanding the head of my foil down to fit. Still oh so snug.
Can't wait to try it out on the water, although 25kt forecast isn't ideal for a first time!
I used one once, combined with a Phantom R foil. I liked the fact that you can walk around with your backfoot alot while in the strap, I liked the long masttrack, for such a wide board it is relatively easy to pop loose from the water. Something I disliked was the domed deck in between the straps, felt funny when jibing. Also didnt like it downwind out of the strap, kinda felt like it was slightly in the wrong place for me.
The session I used it the raketrim was wrong so it braked alot when hitting the water, the board can use about 2.5 degree rake with both the Phantom and the Lok? race.
Found some new stuff at Boot D?sseldorf!
Patrik has a series of foilboards, 100cm course (in normal construction / red), 91cm course proto (not on photo), 91 foil-slalom (air inside board on second photo) and 100 and 91 hybrid (right on upper photo and with the bottom towards the camera on the bottom photo) boards! Dont think I like the looks, but I think they go FAASSTT! I'm very interested in the foil course 100.