Any feedback about any board size will be appreciated.
As one of the main Hydro ability is the great control in the breeze per given board size I wonder what's the 79 use
I can speak of the 100 wide, but it's a course racing board. I'm guessing you're after feed back on the slalom hydro? Catchmeifyoucan might be able to help you out with that. Message him on here if he doesn't see this post..
The boards are very well-built, and you feel like you have a much stronger construction than foil race boards of any other brand. It feels like a tank. It's definitely a more sturdy construction than modern Starboard, FMX and Phantom boards.
The downside is, the Hydros are exceptionally heavy, being roughly a kilo or more greater in weight than a comparable board from any other alternative in the same size. You will feel this in the legs when pumping in marginal winds, and when handling the gear on land. The board feels relatively big, with very thick rails and lots of perceived bouyancy.
Lots of footstrap options (back and forward), which is great since you can trim for whatever foil and fuse you're on.
Personally wasn't a fan due to the weight of the board - it makes recreational freerace on the weekends more taxing on the body, but the fact that the board feels indestructible shouldn't be discounted.
Colour and graphics are all great too.
I won't comment on the performance because it'll do perfectly fine in a race next to other modern designs, and we're all often limited by skill rather than gear :)
Experience is with the 91cm Hydro.
Yes,i know about the extra weight. Not sure it is there because strong construction or because they want a lot of inertia for an extra stability while foiling.
It seems the 91 (supposed for the light conditions) needs more power from foil and sail to taking off and it's not easy to pop it out because the huge thickness in the tail? But, as soon it flies, it's a machine and doesn't bother about wind surplus. Is it correct?
What's the smallest sail size you want use with the 91 (being balanced) ?
I'd be interested in the 79 for 16/17+ kts conditions and sail sizes 7.2 and smaller
p.s. Are there a V1 and V2 models ? If yes, what's different?
I was told no V2 any time soon. I feel the extra weight makes it feel more solid/stable. I'm using 7.8/7.5-7-6 on the 85 no issues unless is under 12 knots. My foiling skills are average and none in high winds, but the board is giving me the confidence to push myself. 79 with 7-6-5-4 should be good for what you're looking for.