I am new to foiling, i tried it two days in june of 2019 with JP and NP foils from a demo course i made but i didnt get the bug....i felt it dangerous for the feet and ankles when you fall off straped in.
But....i am thinking to give another go this 2020 year....
I have a Starboard Isonic 147L foil ready board and now i need to buy a foil (no carbon ; no racing) and i cant make up my mind between two of starboard aluminium foils, they have the same price but i see that the difference is the wings sizes.
I dont want do foil above 15knots because i prefer to slalom and i dont want to go fast with the foil, i just want a easy, very forgiving and stable foil for a 50 year old clumsy bastard that is a medium slalom sailor with 11 years of windsurfing ( i know i started late
I am 80KG and have Severne OD from 5.1 to 8.5
MastAluminium 75 cm
Fuselage Aluminium 75 cm
Front wing 1100cm2
Back wing 500m?
Mast Aluminium 75 cm
Fuselage Aluminium 75 cm
Front wing 800cm2
Back wing 330m?
Anyone one can give me some tips to help me make a decision?
A great windy 2020 for everyone!!
Mario Milhazes
Viana do castelo, cabedelo, Portugal
Lots of advice on Starboard choices here
Good luck
Don't rule out all-carbon. Lighter. Stiffer. Yes, a bit more expensive, but worth it.
Sailworks still has the AFS-2 all-carbon with TWO wings for a killer price, not much more than the Moses 790 with one wing and aluminum mast and fuse. https://www.sailworks.com/the-gear/foiling/windfoils/afs-2-carbon-windfoil-package.html
With the big wing on the AFS-2 you can go out on a light day with a 7.0 sail and just cruise your brains out at a nice manageable speed. My learning curve jerked along in fits and starts until I started using the F800 wing on the AFS-2. Everything changed from fits and starts to easy cruising at 15 kts board speed, enjoying the scenery.
Yes, the Moses 790 has a bigger wing than the AFS-2 (1529 cm2 versus 1120 cm2), but the 1120 provides plenty enough low speed lift for easy cruising, even at my 90 kg weight. The AFS-2/F800 works for me with sail sizes 4.5 to 8.5.
Your looking at a couple of starboard foils and there is a reason for that. A local shop sells them, a local foiler uses the equipment, or ?. Duzzi recommends the Moses 790. Segler recommends the AFS foil. If I had started on Starboard, Moses or AFS equipment I bet I would be happy. If you put any of the these in a tow tank and ran them with 80Kg on top of them, I bet the minimum foiling speed would be within a 1 or 2 mph of each other. And there is a big difference in area between the Starboard at 1100 cm sq and the Moses at 1529 cm sq. I started on Slingshot 84 at 2066 cm sq and again I bet the minimum foiling speed is within 1 or 2 mph of the others.
Now the larger the foil area, the more speed limited the foil. But myself and others swear by the Slingshot 84 and the 99(at 2371 sq cm). One my ask what is the upside of a large area foil. The answer is the ability to glide thru a lull. Even though I will someday own a lower area race type foil I will never give up that ability to glide thru lulls. Hope this helps!
Hi Mario,
Greetings to Viana, are you one of the sailors in the Mino?
If yes I'd advice for a flatwater oriented foil, e. g. The Starboard GT.
What I (51 y old fart, 90kg) use at the flat days in Viana in summer on the ocean is an Aeromod foil with the LW wing. With this foil you also buy local, made in Europe, it's designed and build about 1000 km away from you near Toulouse, the wing profiles design helped by the Airbus engineers located there (But the Aeromod guys are to shy to mention that in their marketing).
You feel it when you ride it, there's no try an error in this foil like in many others. Plug and play.
Full carbon incl. the fuselage , highest quality and much lighter than e. g. Starboard.
Many brands like e. g. SB or Moses don't do carbon fuselages because that's the trickiest part and they don't mastered it yet, and try to tell us "alu is better".
It's a Freeride foil, easy to ride, fast and made my learning and schlepping much easier.
And it has an very reasonable price for a full carbon foil.
Btw. I also own a Moses Tortuga 873 Supfoil. I also use this foil for windfoiling in waves in Viana, but I don't think you asked for that.
best kit by starboard :
95 ally mast
95 fuselage
900 or 800 front wing
250 stab
this will get you going in any conditions with maximum control and confort
supercruiser is awesome but could get you frustated speedwise after a while
Many good advice here to choose from!
The aspect l would place emphasis on is the mast length!
I would not buy anything under 90-ish mast length. If not straight away but real soon you will be looking for that extra length so as not to fly off the water so soon!
Ps...there's no age limit either!
SB Freeride or GT-R, the GT is fantastic but needs some real speed to work
Carbon is worth it if possible
Mast 85cm+ will be much better for windsurfing
Of the two you have suggested I would go the SB GT. It has a great wind range and, as Tibor suggested, the 95cm mast is almost essential. It is super stable and user friendly. Ally mast no problem on a freeride set up.
So many answers and tips.
Thank you very much guys!!
Isnt a bigger front wind like 1100 more stabel and user friendly than a 800 wing? Or am i wrong?
My idea is to lift as soon as i can and have stable flights i dont want fast and unstable flights because i have some back problems and the going up and down hiting the water hard will kill my back.
I am aiming to aluminium because i dont want do buy a expensive carbon foil, where i live we have lot of +15knots days so i will be on slalom gear.
So i have to consider a foil with a mast bigger than 75 and what about fuselage?
Thanks for all the help
Mario, my recommendation would be to go for the Starboard Freeride over the Starboard GT. The Freeride will allow you to foil in slightly less wind and offer a tad more stability. I have used both and both are great easy to use and learn on options, and based on our current needs the Freeride looks to be the slightly better choice. While the 75cm mast is fine, ask your shop if they can upgrade you to the 85 or even 95cm alloy mast. Not the end of the world if they can't.