Have just acquired a 2016 KA Race sail. When changing from sdm to rdm cams, do all 4 have to be changed ?
Are all cams the same or are specific ones for specific positions?
Those are the RDM cams that came with my 6.3 KA Race 2016. The fat looking ones were on the bottom two battens I think.
The plot thickens...
-purchased the sail from Shane who said this sail came from KA with the pictured 4 rdm cams (2 of each in pic) as well as 4 sdm cams.
- Mr Love, from what I've read here on this forum is a KA Sails expert, saying they are not KA cams.
-Aussiboats, East Coast distributor of KA Sails I have just been told, tells me I only need rdm cams on the bottom 3 cams and top (#4) can stay sdm.
... I am just trying to set up the 2016 KA RACE 6.3 and 7.2 on rdm masts. Use these cams, buy 2018 ones, use Loft ones (been told they will work also)? What should I do?
Tnx, Mikey
AND... just tried the two rdm cam types.
SMALLER ones won't go over batton ends as slot is too narrow in slot.
LARGER ones seem to fit perfectly and same length
Just to clarify the cams in the picture are not the current KA RDM cams, sorry I did not explain very well. So if you order a set of KA RDM cams now that is not what you will receive. The newer KA RDM cams will fit a 2016 in the bottom 3 however on the 2016 sails they MAY be a bit tight on the top cam so you can stay with the SDM cam on the top, no problem.
So Aussie boats is correct and if you order 3 RDM cams per sail from him you will be laughing.
The Loft tech cam will also work..in fact the symmetrical ones in your photo are Loft tech cams.
This is the current KA RDM cam.
The longer symmetrical cam in your photo is a Loft Tech cam and go in the bottom 3....the asymmetrical one is a Gaastra Cam and goes on the top. The Loft cam will fit on to the cam tongue, just needs some persuasion. At that point KA did not have it's own unique cams and was sourcing from other brands. During 2016 KA began using it,s own RDM cam which is the one pictured above. It is the same length as the Tech cam but the slot in the body is wider and will go on to the cam tongue easily. The cam panel was altered so 4 off these new cams coud be used.
On your 2016 sails you can use the new KA Cams on the bottom 3 and can stay with the SDM cam on the top or try to source a couple of the Gaastra 42 cams which are the shorter one in you picture. I think I still have a couple of them lying around...maybe. Either option will work fine.
I would suggest getting 3 KA RDM cams per sail from Aussieboats and sticking with the SDM cams in the top. If you are not happy with that I will see if I can find a couple of the Gaastra 42s for you.
Regards Martin
Wow! You guys are amazing. I have 2 of the asymmetrical ones with 42 on them, so 3 of the new cams per sail it will be.
Yes Glynn, will ph you soon.
Tnx also to Mark J for your help too.