Forums > Windsurfing General

Aggressive windsurfurfer in botany bay

Created by Hillsy77 > 9 months ago, 24 Jan 2015
NSW, 5 posts
24 Jan 2015 6:04PM
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Several times I have kited the mouth of Woolooware bay.... It is a known windsurfing spot. On several occasions I have encounted a extremely aggressive windsurfer claiming that I am breaking the rules kiteboarding there, this guy has tried to run me over several times( smart guy.....) I have since asked a few guys about this rule and I can't get a clear answer.... I am lead to believe that the rule this so called windsurfing nazi is going on about is 4m off the beach there, I am always more then 4m off the beach.... Has anybody heard of this rule? Or has anyone else witnessed this aggressive nazi? I think I will take my gopro out and film it next time.....

QLD, 1471 posts
24 Jan 2015 6:31PM
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The rule is:"No boardshort above your wetsuit you shall wear".

NSW, 5 posts
24 Jan 2015 9:12PM
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Pass on that rule....

NSW, 9029 posts
24 Jan 2015 9:20PM
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The rule is four meters off the beach? Please explain what is what and how it relates to being 4m off the beach?

NSW, 172 posts
24 Jan 2015 10:20PM
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There is no rule. Just watch out for abandoned oyster farms and bull sharks........ And also angry pole boarders crapping on about 4m rules.

SA, 2515 posts
25 Jan 2015 10:59AM
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Hillsy77 said..

Hillsy. Those types are nobodies friend mate. With the running over thing, I would let it go. If he does it again, I would take his details (description, car rego, times/dates of events) and go to the nearest police station and lodge a report. However, to do this, you have to follow all of the rules. That may involve you studying your local council regs and marine laws (in SA, it's law to wear a PFD). If you go down this path, expect nothing to happen as the cops have higher priorities, but if enough kiters are complaining about this a/hole, then you might get some action. I noticed you haven't posted any info in your local NSW kiting section. Why not ?. I would be doing that. Best of luck

WA, 3481 posts
25 Jan 2015 12:06PM
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from what I know the only rule at Botany Bay is imposed by the airport. As a rule of thumb people shouldn't kite North of the Brighton Le Sands baths. I have heard of people being fined a few years ago for kiting there.

Been sailing with kiteboards at Dolls Point for years. Never had a problem. Not sure what he is on about when he talks about a "4m rule".

230 posts
25 Jan 2015 12:42PM
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Where we kite being a small community we try to self regulate, the general rule in the summer months is to keep out off the beach so if the kite were to crash it wouldn't his any beach goers. Only time we have issues is with visitors or new comers, but we try to inform. Winter time with no one on the beaches you can ride the shore break!

WA, 1367 posts
25 Jan 2015 1:04PM
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This is what l call hypocrisy. This guy the sailboarder l am one by the way is allegelly causing a rift over nothing.

NSW, 3082 posts
25 Jan 2015 9:20PM
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I know who it is. his name is..........., oh ****, cant remember, what's his bloody name?? Something like an old Ants pants commercial??
Some hot chicky babe lets insects go to town?? Bugger, this is really pissing me off. Oh well, someone will figure it out!! Watch out, he is a nasty bugger.

NSW, 9205 posts
25 Jan 2015 9:21PM
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Hillsy77 said..
Pass on that rule....


If you don't think it looks RIDICULOUS then I urge you to go surfing; paddle out to some local-heavy break and see how you go.

Windsurfers don't do it, surfers don't do it, scuba divers don't do it, triathletes don't do it, et al, for the simple reason that IT LOOKS RIDICULOUS.

Which numpty started this?

Shark Slayer
VIC, 56 posts
25 Jan 2015 9:55PM
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I think they wear boardies to hide the fact they have no BALLS !

SA, 135 posts
25 Jan 2015 10:55PM
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evlPanda said..

Hillsy77 said..
Pass on that rule....


If you don't think it looks RIDICULOUS then I urge you to go surfing; paddle out to some local-heavy break and see how you go.

Windsurfers don't do it, surfers don't do it, scuba divers don't do it, triathletes don't do it, et al, for the simple reason that IT LOOKS RIDICULOUS.

Which numpty started this?

This may be a mistake to admit it, but here goes. I used to, most off us did when we sailed herons. We used to wear holes in the ass of the wetties so it was cheaper to have sacrificial boardies over top. Stopped doing it as soon as I started sailing cats where I wore a harness, still don't now I windsurf. Maybe where the boardies over the wetties came from.

QLD, 1471 posts
27 Jan 2015 11:54AM
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evlPanda said..

Hillsy77 said..
Pass on that rule....


If you don't think it looks RIDICULOUS then I urge you to go surfing; paddle out to some local-heavy break and see how you go.

Windsurfers don't do it, surfers don't do it, scuba divers don't do it, triathletes don't do it, et al, for the simple reason that IT LOOKS RIDICULOUS.

Which numpty started this?

Isn't it coming from wakeboarder idiots?

240 posts
27 Jan 2015 11:01AM
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The scumbag abuses windsurfers as well, for no reason. An embarassment to the windsurfing community.

Just a matter of time till he gets his teeth knocked out.

NSW, 1600 posts
27 Jan 2015 4:34PM
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ka43 said..
I know who it is. his name is..........., oh ****, cant remember, what's his bloody name?? Something like an old Ants pants commercial??
Some hot chicky babe lets insects go to town?? Bugger, this is really pissing me off. Oh well, someone will figure it out!! Watch out, he is a nasty bugger.

who's a little sh#@t stirrer then Larko!!!
And for the record, no, it's not me!

NSW, 3082 posts
27 Jan 2015 6:04PM
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Hehehehehe, couldn't resist!! Sorry mate, the thread was begging for it

NSW, 14 posts
3 Feb 2015 11:13PM
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Pretty sure it is to do with the sailing club and technically kites are not meant to be in the area in Woolooware bay and no closer than 400m from sailing club ?. I am not sure if this is only when they are sailing at the club or at any time. If you check with Sans Souci water police they will confirm. Most of the windsurfing guys know who you are talking about heh heh. think he is trying to protect a great patch of water. Offer him a beer and you will be mates for life lol

WA, 177 posts
6 Feb 2015 1:04AM
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evlPanda said..

Hillsy77 said..
Pass on that rule....


If you don't think it looks RIDICULOUS then I urge you to go surfing; paddle out to some local-heavy break and see how you go.

Windsurfers don't do it, surfers don't do it, scuba divers don't do it, triathletes don't do it, et al, for the simple reason that IT LOOKS RIDICULOUS.

Which numpty started this?

I think it was a well known UK windsurfing coach who started this fashion faux pas.

Where are the fashion police when you need them. These people should be locked up for incitement to ridicucle!

WA, 3481 posts
6 Feb 2015 10:27AM
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flanagaj said..

Why is he wearing a parachute?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Aggressive windsurfurfer in botany bay" started by Hillsy77